It seems like so-called “black-and-white thinking” has been much criminalized in society and even in the Catholic Church.
I’m taking a course on ministry at seminary and one of the beginning self-assessment questions was “I am able to live comfortably with ambiguity; I do not need to have reality be ‘black and white.’” Time and again in my formation I am hearing things like this and it really disturbs me.
I think I understand the value of being welcoming and forgiving and not passing judgment on people or writing them off; but what ever happened to the old maxim “love the sinner but hate the sin?” It sounds to me that we want to exhonerate the sin with the sinner. We explain sin away and say that it is just grey because things are always so complex.
What do you guys think?
People sway with the pendulum. I think b&w thinking involves focusing exclusively on one side of an issue and ignoring the other. Yes, a sin like abortion is wrong: But if we focus exclusively on the sin, the person can’t heal from it. It might be impossible to find good from such an act, but our faith demands that as a community people live with the consequences and not be dragged into indifference or as had been said hate.
Similarly, if they find exhilaration in having avoided indifference then they lose sight of the basic, immutable sin in the act.
That is the prototype of the b&w dilemma. All situations that strain or stress-out our faith involve b&w thinking. If I am angry because I was insulted and all I do is say “How can that person insult me?” and don’t recognize that he too is having problems, etc., I will form an imbalanced view of him – he insults. It matters little if he is an arrogant insult to me: what is important is that I don’t become one to him or others.
There need not be gray at all. Just a shift in focus, a gestalt, that enables us to not become stuck and helps to transcend the dilemma. In the end, we want to act consciously and aware of our need to balance the forgiveness and the correction of social ills.
Only when b&w are combined physically do you get gray. There is no need for that. Why waste time with creating hybrid doctrine that will incur the enmity of everyone and offend God:
Mt 6:24
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."
Mt: 12:25
But he knew what they were thinking and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste, and no town or house divided against itself will stand.
Mk 9:50
Salt is good, but if salt becomes insipid, with what will you restore its flavor? Keep salt in yourselves and you will have peace with one another.”