Is Catholicism the ONLY right religion?

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I was thinking about this…

If Catholicism is right, then what makes say, Baptism, wrong?

Don’t other Christians meet the necessary requirements to live an eternal life with God?

If other Christians are going to heaven that AREN’T Catholic, and say, for example, these people don’t pray the Rosary, then what really is the point? If this is true, then us Catholics do a lot of uneccesary things…
The difference is between ALL truth and just a piece of it. Which would you rather have?
So… anyone who isn’t Catholic is going to Hell? I absolutely cannot accept this. I see nothing wrong with Baptists and other Christians! They meet all the requirements to living an eternal life in Heaven!
So… anyone who isn’t Catholic is going to Hell? I absolutely cannot accept this. I see nothing wrong with Baptists and other Christians! They meet all the requirements to living an eternal life in Heaven!
that was never stated. non-catholics MAY gain eternal salvation, only God knows. it’s safest to be Catholic. besides, all other christian denom’s are off-shoots of the catholic church-- so why not just go to the Source?

So let’s say that someone is a VERY good person, loves God and Jesus with all their heart, yet has never touched a Rosary in their whole life.

They’ll still go to Heaven, right?
So let’s say that someone is a VERY good person, loves God and Jesus with all their heart, yet has never touched a Rosary in their whole life.

They’ll still go to Heaven, right?
Geez, of course. Not even Catholics have to say the Rosary.

If a non-Catholic, through no fault of his own, is not Catholic, then that person amy be saved if he follows God’s grace and seeks Him to the best of his ability. If he does this and he does not end up Catholic, it is not his fault. If, however, he sees that Catholics have the truth, but because of his pride he figures “they are Catholic, they must be wrong” then he may be in trouble. We can’t judge others’ hearts so we’ll never know.
I was thinking about this…

If Catholicism is right, then what makes say, Baptism, wrong?

Don’t other Christians meet the necessary requirements to live an eternal life with God?
Only God knows how he will judge the individual person. I can tell you that I did know Christ as a protestant.
If other Christians are going to heaven that AREN’T Catholic, and say, for example, these people don’t pray the Rosary, then what really is the point? If this is true, then us Catholics do a lot of uneccesary things…
The Catholic Church is the original Church on planet Earth. It was founded by Christ himself through his apostle Peter. The Protestant Church’s number at over 30,000. In many cases they lack sound judgment and hurt people on a spiritual level. With over 2000 years of experience I would say that they know what they are doing.

There are one billion one hundred million Catholics alive right now. The death of the Pope has caused the entire global media to stop cold its tracks and recognize the true Church of Christ. None of the Catholic teachings are unnecessary they are things that have passed from heaven to Earth for our benefit and they help us to stay alive in Christ.

I wish I had known in the beginning what I know now. I would consider anyone brought up Catholic to be blessed and I would encourage them all to remain loyal. To leave the Church is to trade in a battle ship for a canoe. BTW… I’m a Zeppelin fan as well.

Catholicism is the one true faith in God, which traces its history to the beginning of time. That is to say that Catholicism is the faith that Yeshua (Jesus Christ) established as the complete and final manifestation of the Faith of Abraham. Every ‘Christian’ (Trinitarian) sect comes from the Catholic Church in one form or another. Those non-Trinitarian, or quasi-Christian, sects are branches of these groups. The Jews are our elder brothers in the faith being the first called and set aside for the Lord. Mohammedanism is a later Arab corruption of Hebrew and Christian religiosity.

So, if you are looking for the source of Trinitarian Christianity then yes, Catholicism is the one, true Church and all others, while containing elements of truth to varying degrees are truly Christian, though less perfect in nature than the original source – the one that He established.

Can and do non-Catholics go to heaven? I bet they do and I am grateful for that! Do Catholics go to hell? I bet some do and I am very sad over that. Can a non-Christian or even a non-monotheist (Jew or Mohammedan) make it to heaven? I bet they do and I am grateful for that.

Praying the rosary is not an essential element of the Faith and is not required for salvation. Neither is reading, reciting, or praying Scripture, which is what the rosary truly is. However, both are very, very beneficial and I recommend that everyone pray them.

A note of caution needs to be mentioned here. Namely that those who know full well, with their whole heart, mind and soul that the Catholic Church is the one, true Church and still rejects it… well I would not want to be him…
Answering the thread title:

Yes Catholicism is the one true faith and the one right religion.

We don’t know whether any other Christians are going to Heaven. The Church has not taught that any other Christians are going to Heaven. She has only said that some other Christians might go to Heaven.
If Catholicism is right, then what makes say, Baptism, wrong?
Baptism? Do you mean the Baptist Church? The Baptist Church is a valid church. It has a valid baptism as prescribed by Christ. The Baptists follow Christ’s teachings. Those are the right things. The wrong things are anything that was originally taught by Martin Luther or John Calvin that the Baptists may follow. But, because it has a valid baptism, it is a part of the Catholic Church, even though they don’t think so. (That’s hard to understand, isn’t it?)
Don’t other Christians meet the necessary requirements to live an eternal life with God?
Proper baptism, accepting God’s grace, good stuff. Good enough to go to heaven. Just gotta do what Jesus taught us.
If other Christians are going to heaven that AREN’T Catholic, and say, for example, these people don’t pray the Rosary, then what really is the point?
Rosaries, like any prayer are for people to get closer to God. Not everyone does them. I do. How to Recite the Holy Rosary. Try it. What have you got to lose by doing it? You may actually like it!
If this is true, then us Catholics do a lot of uneccesary things…
All the stuff Catholics do gets us closer to God. That’s what it’s for. Catholics do this stuff for a special reason…it is the stuff taught to us by the Apostles that they want us to do. That’s right…it comes right from the Apostles. Guess where they got it from?

God bless! 😉
“We don’t know whether any other Christians are going to Heaven. The Church has not taught that any other Christians are going to Heaven. She has only said that some other Christians might go to Heaven.”

She has not only taught that other Christians might go to heaven, but that anyone – even non-Christians – might go to heaven. Certainly we know that the Righteous Fathers of the Hebrew tradition who were bound in death were loosed by Christ and went to Heaven and they were not Christians strictly speaking.

Minor point of clarification…
dcmac said:
“We don’t know whether any other Christians are going to Heaven. The Church has not taught that any other Christians are going to Heaven. She has only said that some other Christians might go to Heaven.”

She has not only taught that other Christians might go to heaven, but that anyone – even non-Christians – might go to heaven. Certainly we know that the Righteous Fathers of the Hebrew tradition who were bound in death were loosed by Christ and went to Heaven and they were not Christians strictly speaking.

Minor point of clarification…

Actually they were Christians. Consider Moses and Elijah who talked with Jesus – they were obviously Christians. And the other saints of the Old Covenant became Christians at least when Jesus preached to them while they were in the Limbo of the Fathers.

The Church teaches that to go to Heaven one must die in the state of grace, possessing faith, hope and charity. Someone who doesn’t believe in God obviously doesn’t possess faith (belief in God), hope (desire for God and confidence in Him), and charity (love for God for His own sake). So those who die, not believing in God, do not go to Heaven.
Outside the Church is no salvation. This means that, if not actually Catholic, one must at least be connected to the Church in some way to be saved. Non-catholics who, through no fault of their own, do not know about Christ or that the Catholic Church is the one true religion, but still sincerely desire to obey God and live upright lives to the best of their knowledge are connected to the Church by DESIRE and may still be saved. If they knew that Catholicism was the true faith, they would become Catholics. The Church is like Noah’s Ark. One must be IN the ark to be saved from the flood (members of the Catholic Church), or at least hold on to the ropes that hang from the Ark’s sides (non-Catholics like those described). We should still seek their full conversion to Catholicism because there is more grace available to help us be saved in the Church.
Outside the church isn´t salvation, but a person that didn´t know the Church and Christ like Saudi Arabia or North Korea if he follow the precepts of the natural law and is a good person, he can go to heaven and in addition there are the desire baptism.
But when a person knows the church and he refuses it, is very difficult that the Lord don´t refuse him in heaven
How can anyone say that you have to belong to the Catholic Church to get to heaven? Didn’t Jesus say that “whoever believes in the Son (Jesus) has eternal life”? Quote from the gospel of John. He didn’t say "whoever believes in the Church or belongs to the Church has eternal life (=goes to heaven). By the way, Jesus never started any religion. Constantine started a religion. Jesus came to show the way to God. Mary didn’t start any religion either.
How can anyone say that you have to belong to the Catholic Church to get to heaven? Didn’t Jesus say that “whoever believes in the Son (Jesus) has eternal life”? Quote from the gospel of John. He didn’t say "whoever believes in the Church or belongs to the Church has eternal life (=goes to heaven). By the way, Jesus never started any religion. Constantine started a religion. Jesus came to show the way to God. Mary didn’t start any religion either.
And what “You are Peter and with this stone I will build MY CHURCH”, read the NT
There is only one Christian religion, that acknowledges Jesus Christ as only begotten Son of God, second Person of the Blessed Trinity, with all the attributes ascribed in the Nicene Creed who is our savior and redeemer. The fullness of this religion resides in the Catholic Church which He founded to mediate his continual presence on earth, through the successors of the apostles whom He chose. It is an unfortunate disobedience to His commandment on unity that there should be numerous schismatic and denominational fractions of the Body of Christ, but all the baptized share in that Body, to the extent that they are united with it. We pray that such unity will become a reality for all Christians, which was the fervent prayer and basis of much of the work and life of our beloved Pope John Paul II.
The Church, as I can see according to the Bible, consists of “living stones, being built up to a spiritual house (temple, or church)”, 1. Pet. 2:4-6. This means that the church consists of people, not a denomination. All who believe in Jesus are living stones. Also, Peter in this passage calls the believers “a holy priesthood”, meaning that all believers are now priests. See even 1. Pet 2:9 Every believer belongs to the holy, royal priesthood. Jesus came to tear down the separation that came through the priesthood in the OT, by everybody having to go through the priest to access God.
And what “You are Peter and with this stone I will build MY CHURCH”, read the NT
Jesus started the church, not the Christian religion
Anima Christi said:
Outside the Church is no salvation. This means that, if not actually Catholic, one must at least be connected to the Church in some way to be saved. If they knew that Catholicism was the true faith, they would become Catholics. The Church is like Noah’s Ark. One must be IN the ark to be saved from the flood (members of the Catholic Church), or at least hold on to the ropes that hang from the Ark’s sides (non-Catholics like those described). We should still seek their full conversion to Catholicism because there is more grace available to help us be saved in the Church.

I must say this is a strange remark: “Outside the church is no salvation.” I guess that’s the basis for the sectarian non-tolerant approach the Church took in the Spanish Inquisition where thousands of Jews and non-Catholic Christians were killed by the Benedictine monks".
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