There cannot be any doubt that Christianity ruled the West in the Middle Ages. Does it any longer rule? Why or why not? What are the symptoms of Christianity now at the point of collapsing, or now at the point of a rebirth and expansion?
Admittedly, this is a vast subject that can go in a thousand directions at once. Perhaps we should try to limit the discussion as much as possible to Christianity in the United States?
Certainly it does not rule. Unlimited government and Papal oversight are not compatible.
I draw a direct line from Martin Luther , that tool of secular princes, to Henry VIII, to Jefferson, to Robespierre and Murat, to Lincoln, to Hitler and Stalin, to their ever more sophisticated heirs. I believe in the divine right of kings, which is to say, generally and specifically, I think it was actually a sounder idea to let God, or an accident of birth if you prefer, select our leaders. Not that our leaders should have any considerable measure of control. I tend to wince when the topic of the book of revelation comes up, or at any apocalyptic discussion. But, ok, maybe we are in the end times.
So much of life was not so long ago strictly in the hands of God, or nature if you prefer.
But now, what does man not control ? In what subject does he not think he has a say?
It seems to me common sense would indicate to you that when man is in charge of all things , it must follow that the devil will be in the catbirds seat. ( whether you believe in a literal devil or not )
When I was a 12 year old deist it seemed to me that the United states ( the secular state and concept ) was fundamentally hostile to any religion and that tendency would play out in time. The fact that I am now a Catholic christian has in no way altered that view.
It is my contention that " In God we trust " and such like, always was a mask to cover an evil reality.
Secular humanistic moral relativism ? I think we arrived at that in 1776.
200 years , you know, is actually not a long span of time, though it does seem that we have royally messed everything up in a very brief span of time, "coincidentally " in about a 200 year span of time.