I still visit other religions, especially Gnosticism, Judaism, Buddhism, in order to deepen or broaden my faith as God allows. I’ve found these to be, so far, the toxic parts of the other religions that push me back toward Christianity:
Judiasm seems to me to be a first covenant with a specific people on earth in order to ensure their survival as a race–all of the laws either ensure that people’s physical survival on mortal earth, or ensure that the people stay connected to God in order to immediately obey any further instructions from God necessary to ensure their survival–thus God’s insistence on testing Abraham’s obedience by asking him to destroy the very thing, Isaac, that he believed was his reward for obedience. Many Jews do not believe in or think much of an afterlife, and this is because their faith is not centered on that aspect of God’s plan.
Buddhism, simply, is based on a belief that Creation had no beginning and has no end and has no shape through time–it’s non-evolutionary, and offers only the hope, not the guarantee, that Creation evolves–grows, complicates, harmonizes, etc. Thus the nauseating cyclical nature of their conception of Creation, and thus their desire to exit existence.
Gnosticism makes it impossible for people born with mental difficulties to enter heaven, which is insanely unfair.
Zoroastrianism and the Yin-Yang posit equal amounts of Good and Evil in the world, which means that, overall, Creation is not Good… not acceptable at either an intellectual or an emotional level… karma without forgiveness promises a world in which, if at any point 1 million murders were happening, an equal amount of evil will be happening at every subsequent point in Creation, to infinity. This is, again, to me, nauseating and intolerable.
Satanism misunderstands individuality by supposing that community and symbiosis diminish the individual–by supposing that the self is a possession we can only keep by holding onto, when in fact, the self is the one possession we keep by de-focusing on it.