If curiosity is a vice, how is that wrong, and furthermore, is it wrong to hunger and thirst for knowledge and then to study it, if one is a Catholic Woman?
Should curious female Catholics, save all striving for knowledge on the faith for their male counterparts?
I am not sure why curiosity is a vice if one is simply seeking His face and to be edified.
I am wondering if I should just give up trying to read all of my books on the faith, and trust with childlike faith in my male leaders to know what to do in all things regarding the faith?
My life would be a lot less stressful if I could just let go and trust that the men will do all the thinking for me, and why risk having a curious mind if it will lead me into sin?
Why do priests go to seminary for 8 years to study?
Should I just donate all my new books on the faith and give up?
Should curious female Catholics, save all striving for knowledge on the faith for their male counterparts?
I am not sure why curiosity is a vice if one is simply seeking His face and to be edified.
I am wondering if I should just give up trying to read all of my books on the faith, and trust with childlike faith in my male leaders to know what to do in all things regarding the faith?
My life would be a lot less stressful if I could just let go and trust that the men will do all the thinking for me, and why risk having a curious mind if it will lead me into sin?
Why do priests go to seminary for 8 years to study?
Should I just donate all my new books on the faith and give up?