It’s use for the foundation of atheism is obvious. It has no scientific use.
You forgot to mention it’s completely irrelevant to anything in the real world.Evolution isn’t a social movement, a political position, or an evolution. It’s just a scientific theory which is vastly superior to any other in explaining why animals are the way they are, now and throughout the geologic record.
Right, they’re biologists who deal with real biology - who became very highly qualified without accepting microbe-man evolution. In other words, science doesn’t need evolutionary biologists; they’re irrelevant.I would guess that those Professors of Biology™ probably aren’t evolutionary biologists.
Truth is stranger than fiction.Still touting “Poof!” as the origin of species?
For the record, this is not a quote from St John Paul II, but from the document ‘Communion and Stewardship’ (2004; #63) from the International Theological Commission. The International Theological Commission has no magisterial authority and it was obviously written by proponents of cosmic evolution. The quote is nothing more than the opinion of certain theologians who appear to be advocates of cosmic and biological/darwinian evolutionism.Saint John Paul II
“Since it has been demonstrated that all living organisms on earth are genetically related, it is virtually certain that all living organisms have descended from this first organism. Converging evidence from many studies in the physical and biological sciences furnishes mounting support for some theory of evolution to account for the development and diversification of life on earth, while controversy continues over the pace and mechanisms of evolution”
This quote is also from the same document ‘Communion and Stewardship’ (#63).“the decisive factor in human origins was a continually increasing brain size, culminating in that of homo sapiens”
I can understand objecting to the Nazi propaganda. Objecting to the posting of a blatant example of what we do to one another, I don’t really comprehend.I strongly object to your posting this.
What do you mean?I strongly object to your posting this.
The answer I often get from those that support evolutionary theory is that they simply have not been found.It would probably take over a hundred transitional stages to go down that small …where are they ?