Is Darwin's Theory of Evolution True? Part Three

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You can play semantics if you want, but the situation is simple. Scientists have a robust explanation of why animals are the way they are. What are you bringing to the table, and on what basis should anyone be expected to accept your ideas?

Scientists will happily pick up the gauntlet, and will produce all their evidence and reasoning: all the fossils, the DNA comparisons, the behavioral comparisons, the radiometric dating, and everything else.

What will you bring?

As for religious ideas: I do not discount them, unless they make factual statements about physical reality which they cannot back up with evidence.
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Unfortunately, these experiments are irrelevant to the claim that apes evolved into humans.
Considering the big bang theory was partially developed by a Catholic priest I don’t know why you are considering us enemies of science.

And we have language. It has meaning that we attribute to it sure… And that is not always what we mean either.

Just trying to look at the bigger picture.

But I am starting as usual to no longer feel welcome.
Science theology and life are all processes… they don’t necessarily meet an end because nothing ends.


“Nothing ends”

Could be taken either way.
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I don’t consider any religion an enemy of science. Literalists who cling to an interpretation of the Bible that is obviously at odds with reality-- those are enemies of science.

It’s obvious to me that since reality is composed of a Universe of billions of galaxies and many trillions of stars, that all the details of existence cannot be summarized in a couple hundred pages of Hebrew texts. I feel it should be obvious to everybody, but surprisingly that is not so.

So when new facts are known, the response should be “Ahhhh. . . look at this great thing God did, which we are now beginning to understand and appreciate.” There’s no conflict until you start talking about marching animals two-by-two onto a magical boat, and treating that as 100% literal truth, or telling stories about demon snakes that trick innocent girls into eating apples, and this is why people suffer and die.

That’s my main problem, and the reason I can’t call myself Christian-- I cannot tolerate people who cannot differentiate between literary figures of speech and statements about historical facts.
There are several evolutionists here who are confused, deceived and brainwashed as a result of years of cult indoctrination. They need guidance and care until the fog lifts.
Bless you for your fog-lifting, it is a work of charity, Godspeed! Wait a minute, what is it they are indoctrinated into? Polytheism? Things condemned by the Church? If so, help those poor souls.

If it is nothing condemned nor prohibited by the Church, then there is nothing you are called on to do by the Church. The Church guidance to you is actually to seek the truth in it, not prejudge it.

If you do so, it is you acting individually and apart from Church doctrine, in guiding others away from a spiritually harmless scientific theory.
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Sure. That’s way less plausible than the Creator of billions of galaxies, quadrillions of stars, and everything that ever existed or will ever exist creating people, putting them RIGHT NEXT to a magical evil tree, and punishing billions of their descendants for letting a magical talking snake trick them into eating an apple.

Cuz Earth is important like that, apparently. . .
Atheism. Evolution supports atheism and has no other useful purpose. I’m sure you’ve seen a few posts that deny Divine revelation.
You keep saying this, and each time you say it, you are wrong. Your argumentum ad nauseam has no other useful purpose than to beg the question.
design is all scientists are seeing. Design so intricate and interrelated that they are trying to reverse engineer it
“Because that which is known of God is manifest in them. For God hath manifested it unto them. For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; his eternal power also, and divinity: so that they are without excuse.
Because that, when they knew God, they have not glorified him as God, or given thanks; but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened. For professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”
  • Romans 1:19-22
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Cuz Earth is important like that, apparently. . .
As expressions of humanity, we each exist as individual persons on a journey to our eternal destiny; like all of us, there is only one of you, and your eternal soul is of infinite importance.
What I should should have said was: "Anyone who takes microbe-man evolution serious as science … "

Sorry I accidentally pressed your “I hate the Bible” button.
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Atheism. Evolution supports atheism and has no other useful purpose. I’m sure you’ve seen a few posts that deny Divine revelation.
I agree that some people who happen to be evolutionists also happen to be atheists, and therefore, promote atheism by whichever means they can. Hijacking evolution to prove atheism is poor science and poor philosophy.

It is not a requirement that to affirm or believe evolution is true do you have to accept or believe any doctrine of atheism. The two have nothing to do with eachother. A scientific theory explains empirical and scientific phenomena, not spiritual theology.
If you are claiming that evolution hasn’t confused, weakened or even destroyed the faith of any Catholic, then I beg to differ.
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