To you, yes, but I was discussing Pascal’s Wager. Taking just the wager, then maximising the number of gods is the best way to beat the odds.
You cannot use “design” in a definition which you are trying to use to show the presence of design. That is assuming what you have to show.I am always using information as functional specified complex information, which is found in design for a purpose.
Yeah… saying random mutations does everything is just too vague .This is what a few here are denying and trying to convince us that given enough time this all will develop. It is now getting absurd.
The evolution people will always have to set us ignorant people straight.The evo promoters have given two experiments done before DNA (Watson and Crick) was discovered as their laboratory proof.
I asked if that was it, before I rebut. Dead silence, so I can conclude that if I successfully rebut their experiments they will give up evolution.
Think so?
How would you know what’s in the fossil record? You’ve probably never examined even a single real fossil., let alone the millions that have been dug up. As far as I know, you have zero qualifications and zero experience in paleontology.It’s a pretty simple process. There were only microbes, and now there are many kinds of living things. If you look through fossil records, you will see more and more variation among animals as time marches forward, and more and more complexity.
But I didn’t ask for proof of the theory of evolution. I asked for proof that the theory that all life evolved from microbes is useful to applied science.you have pretty high standards with regard to expecting “proof” of the theory of evolution (you know that “proof” isn’t even a thing in science, right?).
For some reason your posts often show up without any indication of which post you are responding to. So when you talk about “laboratory proof” above, I have no idea what proof you are talking about. Same thing for your reference to rebutting something. What?The evo promoters have given two experiments done before DNA (Watson and Crick) was discovered as their laboratory proof.
I asked if that was it, before I rebut. Dead silence, so I can conclude that if I successfully rebut their experiments they will give up evolution.
Think so?
They’re not silly at all. I would imagine that the percentage of scientists who believe in evolution is more than 99%.Your comments about the scientific community being “ruled” by evolutionists is silly
There are no arguments within the scientific community about whether microbe-man evolution is true or not - it is regarded as an indisputable fact. Even the Catholic Church as been fooled by their unanimity.If I ask an evolutionist why he believes that, he’ll talk about genetic similarities going back through many ages. He’ll describe what kinds of life are found in records from various times. He will, in fact, explain WHY he holds that view-- why he thinks it’s the best explanation of how life has arrived at its current state. Nobody is being forced to hold those views, except insofar as they are willing to learn what evidence is available. Scientists disagree ALL the time
Since I am a Christian, I am highly likely to defer my interpretation of reality to the Bible and divine revelation.What will you do to prove to me that YOUR idea about reality is better than his? Wave the Bible around? Talk about divine inspiration?
I don’t have a general distrust of science - I have a general distrust of pseudo-science, the kind that places assumptions and a philosophical world-view above facts … evolution, for exampleI don’t mind you holding whatever views you want, but if you want any non-literal-Bible-Christians to adopt your views, you will have to come up with a real detailed explanation of how things work. You don’t have that. All you have is a general distrust of science because it doesn’t exactly match the literary musings of ancient desert-dwellers.
You consider it irrational to believe that extremely complex systems require an intelligent First Cause? If you believe extremely complex systems build themselves, then I suggest it is you who is thinking irrationally.Sure. That’s way less plausible than the Creator of billions of galaxies, quadrillions of stars, and everything that ever existed or will ever exist
When most people think of biological evolution, they think of apes evolving into humans and dinosaurs evolving into birds, etc. So when they hear a statement such as Dodzhansky’s, “Nothing makes sense in biology except in the light of evolution”, they think that monkey-men kind of macroevolution must be essential to the science of biology. But the opposite is the truth - nothing in biology depends on the theory that humans evolved from apes or that whales descended frm rodents. Biology isn’t advanced by empty theories and tales about what happened billion of years ago, but by facts.Why do you keep asking about usefulness?
Do you know the difference between a theory and a practical use? Evidently not. You think that an evolutionary explanation for something means it is useful. You’re wrong.The use of evolution is that it allows us to understand a great many things about existing animals, including ourselves. Why do we have vestigial organs? … Why do whales have finger bones? …
See. This is all useful stuff if you want to actually understand things. If you want to keep your faith in the literary truth of the Bible, then it will not be useful for you. Then your current approach to knowledge will be more useful.