Is Darwin's Theory of Evolution True? Part Three

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But given the numerous examples of micro evolution and the lack of examples of macro, I am inclined to believe them to be separate things.
By its nature, macro evolution is rarer than micro-evolution. However, there are some examples, see Marbled Crayfish:
Before about 25 years ago, the species simply did not exist. A single drastic mutation in a single crayfish produced the marbled crayfish in an instant.
If that doesn’t shout, “There is a God!”, the theory of evolution has totally messed up one’s mind. Seriously, all this creation, including we ourselves to witness and sing of our Creators glories!
Before about 25 years ago, the species simply did not exist. A single drastic mutation in a single crayfish produced the marbled crayfish in an instant.
In 2003, scientists confirmed that the marbled crayfish were indeed making clones of themselves.
Oh no!

We aren’t just seeing the evolution of taxonomy.

These crustaceans have evolved to the point that they have started making labs to clone themselves, no doubt to take over the world.

And, I always thought it would be the lab rats.

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I’d better get down to the fish market and warn them. They have to shred their records. How many lobster dinners has it been!

ON second thought, after perusing the daily news, we might be better off with the cray fish.

a . . . d . . . a . . . p . . . t . . . a . . . t . . . i . . . o . . . n

in all cases that have been presented.

And, this one is a freak of nature, a throw-back to an asexual world. But, it does speak to the importance of sexuality as a defence against genetic mutation, which is bad, not good. (edited: to add a reasoned argument to the meme, and keep people happy)
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Proof of evolutionary processes? Or a way to dramatically get a point across.
See our Lord being ridiculed above in the image with the dinosaur.
It demonstrates the attitude one has about the people on the other side of the argument.
Reasoning makes for a long difficult read and tends to be ignored, misunderstood in the modern version of the Tower of Babel that is the internet.
That said, some things are funny.
Proof of evolutionary processes? Or a way to dramatically get a point across.
See our Lord being ridiculed above in the image with the dinosaur.
It demonstrates the attitude one has about the people on the other side of the argument.
Reasoning makes for a long difficult read and tends to be ignored, misunderstood in the modern version of the Tower of Babel that is the internet.
That said, some things are funny.
The meme ratio has been very much in favor of your side.
Great Danes and teacup chihuahuas don’t seem to be naturally breeding too much.
You missed his point. These 50,000 generations are only what, 40 years old total. He is right - we cannot haul 10,000 generations into a lab.

And what do we know about these 50,000 generations? They are still bacteria.
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You missed his point. These 50,000 generations are only what, 40 years old total. He is right - we cannot haul 10,000 generations into a lab.
There are a lot of things we cannot transport into the lab, yet we can still make reasonable scientific theories about them. Getting them to fit inside a laboratory is surely an unnecessary precondition for study.
You missed his point. These 50,000 generations are only what, 40 years old total. He is right - we cannot haul 10,000 generations into a lab.
Oh dear… I show you 50,000 generations in a lab and you come back with this! Really, do you have such a low opinion of your readers? A ‘generation’ is not a fixed time, it can vary a lot. Bacterial generations can be less than one hour for some species.
And what do we know about these 50,000 generations? They are still bacteria.
And another face-plant. Do you have any idea what range “bacteria” covers? It is about the same as “eukaryote”. Humans evolved from amoeba, but they are still eukaryotes. Do you really want to go down that route? All multicellular organisms: plants, animals and fungi are eukaryotes as well as a many single-celled organisms such as amoeba.

All you are doing here is confirming that you do not know enough biology to provide any effective criticism of it. You should learn more biology if you want to be able to criticise it effectively.

Humans did not evolve from anything. We were created.

I know you are having difficulty of where the science is going. Follow the evidence where it leads.
I find people do not respond to reasoned arguments. One could say that they aren’t understood. It’s a bother and one’s own view is always more attractive. Most of us want to have our say. A big part of it boils down to the difficulty we have in understanding one another. Where there’s a collection of words that triggers something that the person is in conflict with, out comes the opinion, often not having anything to do with what the particular post was attempting to address.

Even in your response, you want to put down the use of memes. The point of the comment that you were responding to had to do with how all science in some respects is like a dream. Most theories of evolution, as part of what we do all the time to keep our mental stability, close the book on reality, rather than offering a conduit to the truth. The theory acts like the meme that you are criticizing, closing communication in favour of the appearance of truth. Something like that anyway.
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Humans did not evolve from anything. We were created.
We were created at a point in time as were atoms and molecules, later prokaryotes and eucaryotes, multicellular organisms - plants then animals. Temporally it appears the ground was laid for the ontological hierarchy that underlies our existence. We need an environment in which to participate. The information derived from creative activity within each level was utilized ultimately to bring mankind into existence. We are a new type of being, different from the simplicity of atoms and molecules, which are unified, subsumed in our individual unified existence. Although different from other organisms, we share a physical nature since we live in and are a part of pretty much the same environment. Our spirit contains attributes not only of the material “soul” of atoms, but also those of a vegetative and senstive nature.
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I find people do not respond to reasoned arguments.
No one was ever convinced to change their mind by a meme. All memes do is give comfort to those who already agree with you and convince those who don’t agree that you are not interested in convincing them.
Most of us want to have our say. A big part of it boils down to the difficulty we have in understanding one another.
Memes do nothing to help understanding, only to polarize.
Even in your response, you want to put down the use of memes. The point of the comment that you were responding to had to do with how all science in some respects is like a dream.
Yes, memes do have a point, but they do not support their point. As I said, they do not convince anyone. So it is just a waste of your time to post them. Just out of curiosity, have you ever witnessed a real debate, either on TV or in a high school debate class? They never use memes, and for good reason.
Most theories of evolution, as part of what we do all the time to keep our mental stability, close the book on reality, rather than offering a conduit to the truth.
It would be nice if you actually tried to support a point like this rather than just blasting it out there and expecting it to do something.
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