Darwinistic mythos that provides us with a distorted image of who we are in the universe
Can you define Darwinistic mythos? Do you just mean materialism? Materialism is a problem, but that isn’t what Darwinism is about, that there is only material.
Why isn’t Darwinistic mythos condemned if it is such a thing?
Anyhow, the thread topic is “Is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution True?” My claim is yes, it is true. The Church affirms it is more than a theory, and has a lot of evidence to support it, and it can help us to praise God. The last three Popes subscribed to it with qualifications, so in that way, they also affirm it is true, at least to a certain extent.
Just to make sure we’re talking about the same thing if we are to engage in a dialogue, I would require some acknowledgement that you do understand that the qualifications imposed by the Church on any theory of evolution, make the current scientific “theory”, that which is being taught in the schools, incompatable with our faith.
I beg to differ that materialism is not at the heart of Darwinism. Rather than pretending it isn’t what it is, propose your own theory, I’ve got many myself all with God as Creator, it sounds like you are distorting the truth, allowing a lie to enter as a possibility by masking it by simply saying that God did this.
The mythos is that chemicals came together to form the first life forms in a primordial soup. From there, through random chemical reactions resulting in mutations of the DNA which had been formed along with the proteins and other elements to reproduce itself, life became ever more complex - plants, fish, dinosaurs, mammals and Homo sapiens. Natural selection, the survival of the fittest, or perhaps fittingest, is the scalpel that determined the diversity we see.
It is vague enough and spoken enough that people accept it.
As you say elsewhere in this thread, the more you have thought and written about it, the more you believe Darwinism to be true. You may wish to explain your vision of our creation.
No one has argued that all life has been made from the dust of the earth, which was created by God. You would not be disagreeing with any of the creationist positions. There might be on occasion, a difference with respect to the rather trivial, compared to the central tenet that all is brought into existence by God, of the timeline.
I’m sure we agree with the actual science - the world has been around for a long time and consists of an ever changing environment consisting of individual organisms. However, creation and not evolution is required to jump what could be understood as different levels of being - atoms, cells, plants, animals, mankind. The transformation from one kind to another is illusory, the distortion occurring when we neglect the reality of individual representations of each particular level - a carbon atom, a paramecium, a daisy, a lion, you yourself.