You say the Republicans do not do anything - and yet … it was the republicans who passed the 1995 Partial Birth Abortion Ban - which was vetoed by Bill Clinton.
The republicans passed the Infants Born Alive Act in 2002 & the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in 2003 - both of which were signed into law by a Republican President.
The Partial Birth Abortion Ban was upheld by the US Supreme Court in 2007 … Good luck getting any laws that will even reduce abortion - let alone abolish it with a Pro-Abortion Clinton or Sanders sitting in the Oval Office … Any and all legislation would suffer the fate of the of the 1995 Partial Birth Abortion Ban … A BIG VETOE …
People always say - see the republicans have not stopped abortions - so then it doesn’t matter … but the reality is -** it does matter **… it matters in that the chance of getting a pro-life justice on the court - while not assured - is far more likely with a Republican in office than a Pro-Abortion Democrat …The Democratic Platform is PRO-ABORTION - radically so.
It matters because without a Republican President pro-life laws will not be signed into law - even if there are pro-life majorities in both the House and Senate …
Its a fact that the Republicans in placed their political careers on the line in 1995. 2002 and 2003 in order to push through a bill that I argue should not even be necessary in this country where
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are Fundamental Rights- to STOP the dismemberment of innocent children in the womb in order to extract them and end their lives … and a Democratic President Vetoed that law
You can throw stones at Republicans …I will ask again -
Can you name any one piece of pro-life legislation passed by the Democrats or signed by a Democratic president?
Just one … I am patient - I will wait while you search …
How does your Catholic Christian Heart beat with great pride, love and passion when you read the Democratic Party Platform on Abortion? …
Remember a vote for the Democrat whether Sanders or Clinton is a vote for Abortion
The Democratic Mantra “You go Team Dems! Abortion Now, Abortion Always” … their platform says it all.