Is Elvis in heaven?

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Is Elvis in heaven even though he was not a Catholic and probably did some dubious things?
No one can answer that here. We are all sinners. God knows what is in the hearts of all of us. Perhaps in his mercy, Elvis too will be in heaven.
Of course not. He’s still alive and lives in a home for the elderly in Tempe AZ.
Of course he’s not in heaven. He’s still alive and well and appears to those who can say"thank yah, thank yah very muhch."
Elvis was no more of a public sinner than many, many other people, in fact, he was generally known to be a polite, decent, deeply spiritual man. He did have substance issues. Many people have substance issues. It is not the unpardonable sin, and I think full willful consent is often lacking.

Unless we adhere to the absolute strictest, most severe interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus — and I do not — we can have pious hope that many, many people who never appeared on the baptismal register of a Catholic church are, indeed, in heaven.

My dear aunt, who never set foot in a Catholic church — she loosely affiliated with the Nazarene Church, but viewed herself as trans-denominational — was one of the holiest people I ever knew. I have no knowledge that she ever, not even once, committed a formal sin, neither mortal nor venial, after her conversion to Christianity. She was as Marylike as I can imagine a woman being, and she even kept a portrait of the Immaculate Heart in her bedroom. (She didn’t know it was specifically Catholic until I told her.) When she died, I said as Mass began, “may she rest in peace, she who was a better Catholic than anyone in this church, myself included”.
Probably not, but it’s not for us to say for definite. While the Church never canonizes Non-Catholics, the Church never does the opposite (ie declares a certain person to be in hell).

That’s if he’s even dead, another thing we can’t make a definite judgement upon. Lol
I hope so, I’ve always wanted to go to one of his live concerts… he’s on a list of people I want to meet when I get to heaven. 😉
Why not? I know many good catholic who are 100% certain their loved ones are in heaven.
Why not? I know many good catholic who are 100% certain their loved ones are in heaven.
If a Catholic dies with the last rites of the Church, and dies at peace with God, it is far more likely than not that they have largely bypassed purgatory, and are in heaven. The Apostolic Pardon virtually guarantees this. However, we can never really know what kind of satisfaction or purification any soul is going to have to undergo after death. I refer first of all to myself. No way would I be ready to enter heaven the way I am right now — not even with the Apostolic Pardon.

As a rule, I do not go around saying that people are in heaven, unless they are canonized saints of the Church. The Fatima children were told that one of their friends would be in purgatory until the end of the world.
Elvis gave a concert, at the U. of Notre Dame, I believe. At one point someone yelled out “Elvis is The King!” Elvis stopped the song, looked at the shouter and said, “No. Jesus Christ is The King.” True story!
I hope by the grace of God he is in heaven.
God knows where Elvis is. We aren’t given that information. I would hope he’s in heaven as I hope everyone is in heaven, and especially entertainers like him whom I enjoyed while they were on earth.

I did a plenary indulgence for his soul a year or two ago so I would hope it helped him if he needed help.
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