Is eternal suffering pointless?

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Pocaracas tiene much cara porque él la favorece. 😉 Prefiero a Dios…
What does “tiene much cara” mean?
Everything else I can understand, even if I’m not spanish…
I’m guessing google translator didn’t do “much”, so…“has much face”?

Who are you, Verdani? oh… my… the 500 post a day guy?!
What does “tiene much cara” mean?
Everything else I can understand, even if I’m not spanish…
I’m guessing google translator didn’t do “much”, so…“has much face”?

Who are you, Verdani? oh… my… the 500 post a day guy?!
Ehehe…Perhaps I know you wasn’t quite true. I read the religion and atheism sections of fairly often since it’s a good way to keep up to date with news in those things but I’m not actually a member.

I know, sounds a little creepy. I suppose I just haven’t had much interesting to say yet really beyond lol and “are you ******* kidding me?”. I should really join one of these days.
I know that vaccination is “kind and helpful”. You know that. But your 5 yr old child…not so much.
Sure he knows. Because I explained it to him - on HIS level of understanding. I did not leave him alone in a strange environment to deal with it using his limited understanding. I was THERE on his side. Quite unlike God.
No matter what explanation you offer, he’s not going to accept it.
Wrong. He accepted it. When and how did you acquire your omniscience? Better go back and demand the tuition fee reimbursed to you.
God could offer an explanation for the pain and suffering you’ve experienced, but you’re not going to accept it.
How do you know that I would NOT accept it? Your “omniscience” is sorely lacking.

I am going to point out (again) that you keep on trying to avoid giving evidence for your assertion. We do NOT feel God’s love. Mizz Evasion! You are full of hot air (cannot use the usual phrase).
LOL! This is gaga lala nonsense.
Only your ignorance is showing. Where is the pain in taking a Sabin vaccine?
But you can see how sometimes Love isn’t “kind and helpful.”
Nonsense. If it is not kind and helpful, it is not love.
Or, you can see how what appears to be unkind and unhelpful actions are really “kind and helpful”.
Appears? In medical science the only pain and suffering is ONLY due to less than perfect technology. But that does NOT apply to God. God’s “technology” is not limited (except by logical contradictions). Therefore any and all pain and suffering could be eliminated by God, IF he so chose. He does not. To allow unnecessary, useless, gratuitous pain is suffering is the sign of evil.

And here is the real Q.E.D. for you.
Ehehe…Perhaps I know you wasn’t quite true. I read the religion and atheism sections of fairly often since it’s a good way to keep up to date with news in those things but I’m not actually a member.

I know, sounds a little creepy. I suppose I just haven’t had much interesting to say yet really beyond lol and “are you ******* kidding me?”. I should really join one of these days.
hmmm… .com, huh?.. never been there. Now, if you said .org…
Lurkers exist in many online forums… Some people, in here, seem to write mostly for the benefit of the lurkers and not for those who they are addressing… it’s weird, if you ask me…
hmmm… .com, huh?.. never been there. Now, if you said .org…
Lurkers exist in many online forums… Some people, in here, seem to write mostly for the benefit of the lurkers and not for those who they are addressing… it’s weird, if you ask me…
Sorry, I meant org. The one with the atom on the banner and haunted by a certain foul mouthed elderly former Catholic who really wasn’t shy of telling Randy Carson exactly what was running through his mind when he started preaching to him.

I imagine a lot of people do, I know when I’m writing I sometimes explain what I’m talking about, not for the benefit of the person I’m talking to who understands but for anyone else who might not know what a deist or a brown scapular is.

I actually tried to join .org today but it told me I already had an account on that IP which was strange. Still, I am at a hotel at the moment, I can try again once I get home.
What does “tiene much cara” mean?
Everything else I can understand, even if I’m not spanish…
I’m guessing google translator didn’t do “much”, so…“has much face”?

Who are you, Verdani? oh… my… the 500 post a day guy?!
It’s a scrambled word play with your username. :cool:
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