In the South the word evangelizing usually means those protestant preachers who preach about damnation and are critical of anyone not at their church, so Catholics here are not too fond of that word. If you want to see those of us that do not go out of our way to bring up conversations about becoming Catholic and preach the gospel as insincere and hypocritical, it is you choice to be negative and judgement. If you want to say we are cowards because we choose not to do things your way, again that is your choice.Following Christ’s teaching and giving yourself to God as you said, both includes evangelizing the world. If it does not, it is insincere and hypocritical.
What you said about the Church is wrong, too. If you are waiting for the Church to be perfect before she can evangelize, then it will never happen. The Church needs to (and does, anyways) constantly evangelize and make disciples.
On a general note, obviously that doesn’t mean every member of the Church has to do it in the exact same way. We all have different talents and different “ministries”, if you will. But don’t take cowardice as an excuse for not spreading the gospel.
I live in a very large Catholic community and work at a Jesuit Catholic high school where no one tries to evangelize or convert the non-catholic kids we have that attend our school. They are required to take theology and attend Mass. They see what being Catholic means by how we live our everyday lives, not by preaching the gospel outside Mass to them. We respect all the families we have here and we respect they are willing to be a part of our community and our Catholic faith, even in little ways. We would never try to convert them; the only thing we would do is educate them on what we believe and any falsehoods they may have about our faith.