=HopeSE;5493210]I’ve often wondered if “faith” isn’t actually a learned behaviour, adopted more from faith in your parents than faith in god. For example, if I was born to Jewish parents, or if I was born Catholic, but adopted into a Muslim family when I was 1 year old. Wouldn’t I adopt those faiths since I had not learned how to be Catholic yet?
I know at some point you make a conscious choice, but doesn’t it equate in a way to just being taught one thing over another. If you tell your kids that “green” is “red” and they grow up with others that believe the same at some point they are 1,000 times more likely to adopt this belief as their own. It just seems so random.
It concerns me that something so important could all just be the result of chance.
Does belief = chance? If so, is that fair to those that get stuck in a godless family, etc…
***Interesting thought, but the answer is NO.
What you raise a very valid point, this “auto indoctrination”*** certainly has great effect early in ones life. And for a small percentage has greater long term effects than most experience.
***But as soon as one reaches adulthood, and has the ability to form independent thought the effects of public schooling and peer pressure seem to be overwhelming. The secular press, Media, and focus on me and my, and mine often take on a frighting importance in youth today.
How many really solid Catholic familes have had their children leave the CC for another, or no church. I suspect a super majority. My two kids included. It’s more than rebellion, its choosing a differnt life, as well as rejection of parental preference and practice.
The lack of piety, awe and reverance in a great many Catholic churches today supports this exodus. Today the second largest Christian denomination is “fallen away catholics.” Only about 23% of professed Catholics find it necessary to attend Sunday and Holiday Mass, and only 10% go to Confession even once a year. About 20% understand and accept the Doctrine of Christ Real Presence.
Having shared this FAITH is a gift from God. While sufficent grace is offered to everyone, few seem willing “to take up their cross” and follow Christ, especially within the confines of the 2,000 year old CC where Doctrine, Dogma, Tradition are well established and leave little room for "Individual " choices beyong obedience or disobedience. And it seems an easy task to picture us as out of date and old fashioned, and too rigid. My friends don’t so why do I have too?
Catholic Pastors are torn between liberals and traditionalist, and fear to preach the truth, the whole truth, so help me God for fear of losing even more parishoners and their much needed financial support.
Faith and ones personal salvation is never mere chance. God is in charge. Everyone is offered sufficient grace to accept salvation. There is no substitue for ones personal example, and super abundant prayers for those who seem to say no. God keeps offering grace until we are dead, and how many later in life reverts and converts do we meet through this Forum?***
***Grace and sin are never far apart from each other. That is why God gives us minds, intellects, freewills and the capacity to know and embrace truth.
Love and prayers.***