Is fictional Canon being taken too seriously?

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I think Whovians take a much more logical approach to this than many fandoms do… the BBC has never officially defined what constitutes Canon. Just the TV series (classic and new)? The spin-off series? The Big Finish radio dramas? The spin-off novels? The spin-off comics? The comedy satire productions? The 1960s Peter Cushing films? Etc. etc. etc. There are numerous contradictions, even within the TV series, but it doesn’t matter. As the long time, and recently retired, showrunner Steven Moffat has said, the “head canon” of the individual fan is what ultimately counts. And of course when you encounter a contradiction you can always explain it away with time travel, alternate timelines, etc… history is always in flux after all ;).
I won’t describe the fandoms of other series which I have my problem because I don’t want to get into it, but yeah Whovians, Transformers fans, Pokemon fans, Star Trek fans, the more older generational-gap-filling ones are more level headed because they have a long history and experience and know when something is wrong, its wrong. Star Wars fans had a right to be upset because of how Luke’s whole personality was horribly mangled or how Transformers fans got real weary of Age of Extinction how all the humans just betrayed the Autobots and how Optimus became a psychotic grump.

Hopefuly the Bumblebee movie will mark a reboot which both the Bots and Cons get the respect they should have had and kids see more morally right characters to look up to. Optimu’s faith in Primus in Prime I had always seen as exemplary to our faith in Christ and The Father Almighty as we try to do good.
yeah, I do think people take to serious like for example accuses rian Johnson Sabotage the sequel trilogy.
I just wanted to add that I don’t have problems people with making fanfiction
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After talking with a friend we came to the conclusion what this hysteria comes from

Hype and Drama.

Hype which once had been a means for promotion and mobilizing new ideas has merged with the addiction of drama and mutated into a cult-like behavior that hurts the franchises, creative minds, pressures or the original creators or inflates their egos, and produces unwanted and unproductive anxiety and depression

Let me make an example from the more calmed down fandoms

Code Geass

During this run, people were romanticizing and idolizing character deaths, writing decisions, and whatever drama they got. However, a number of years after the show’s end the show’s hype had finally settled down everyone started looking at it as what it was, a fictional story. People began re-writing Code Geass, weather be the ending or the story itself entirely, and sticking with that instead as a means to give peace, resolution, and joy for themselves and others like them. Those who stuck to what they said shrugged their shoulders and said “Whatever floats your boat”, “If that works for you”, “If you gotta do it to move on”, “Okay cool just be respectful about it” and they went their separate ways peacefully, everyone reinterpreted or stuck with the “Canon”, the original story if you will, without the slightest fuss. Gurren Laggann, Sword Art Online, and even Neon Genesis Evangelion began to follow suit. Which should have been the attitude for these franchises a long time ago.
However, the cycle would repeat again with Game of Thrones and Modoka Magica, and even on a worse scale with future games/shows/franchises to come, the thirst of drama, deconstruction, and brutality came with newer stories whom the bloodthirsty martyr-fetish modern audience started imposing these narrative as new “standards” and “expectations”, as if other writers of epics had some sort of obligation to emulate or follow those ideas even down to the letter in order to be good.

Fiction Imperialism or “Pop”-Culture Tyranny

To this day has become a curse upon epic writers who “dare” not share George RR Martin’s opinions and styles of writing, or even think Gen “The Butcher” Urobuchi may be a bit too conceited in his style of storytelling to the point he acts like an angsty teenager, just a bit.

If you “dare” disagree with them, don’t have the same interests as they do, or prefer fighting your depression in a way that doesn’t involve deconstruction or in fact follows “Reconstruction”, your a huge jerk in the eyes of their loyalists. No matter solid your foundations of your opinion are and how justified your feelings may be. And they will do everything in their power in their internet ivory towers and echo chambers, which the entertainment industry are idiotic enough to appease to such an elite, to make you look that way and anyone else who disagrees with them. Keeping any future creators from appealing to you.

If you want happy endings and low fatality rates, then you should just write sitcoms, kiddie shows, and Disney Cartoons because that’s were that kind of stuff is only allowed now. Because those who like that stuff are cowards, mentally disabled/retarded in some way, or even insane. Because the elite decided that’s the rules, and anyone who breaks those rules should be humiliated and silenced.

My Hero Academia being hyped up too greatly had expectations to follow the same dramatic status quo, and when it didn’t, the people who often defended the original Code Geas, NGE, Madoka Magica, and Game of Thrones had began spewing curses at the writer and going so far to compare it to Fairy Tail(Which in my opinion isn’t that horrible, but that’s another editorial for another day) Because the writer just did what he thought was enough.

Its become a savage, pompous, and parasitic attitude that’s fueling the egos of the vicious and making the differing voices feel ashamed, miserable, stupid, and powerless, and it needs to stop.
^^^^^ I recognize those words as English, but I have no idea what they mean.

This is all like ‘Han shot first,’ right?
The Other. Looms.

I’ve just started a fierce debate in some corners of the Internet. I don’t expect many here to pick up on it.
^^^^^ I recognize those words as English, but I have no idea what they mean.

This is all like ‘Han shot first,’ right?

I actually do understand those words – not bad for a fifty-year-old American woman. 👵🚬

But I still couldn’t care less what people say about how I enjoy my entertainment. So what if some stranger hates your fanfic? Move on and find someone who can appreciate it.

Seriously, this is a non-problem. Turn off the stupid screens and meet up with friends for coffee, or go for a walk, or build something, or take up a non-electric hobby. My son and I discuss pop culture ad nauseum and enjoy those conversations immensely. But we have talk about them while walking in the park, or driving around town, or over dinner. On a good day, he gets to have real life conversations with his friends about these topics, where the arguing and laughter are loud and raucous.

Point is, bring the convos to the real world, with real people you know and interact with about more than one topic (canon and fanfic). You know, engage with your entertainment in ways that are entertaining. And if you find yourself getting angry, back off and ask yourself if those arguments are an enjoyable pastime for you.

Well, that’s my two cents anyway. Carry on.
But I still couldn’t care less what people say about how I enjoy my entertainment. So what if some stranger hates your fanfic? Move on and find someone who can appreciate it.
A lot of issues brought up in posts here would be solved by not caring what other people think…
It’s no much I care what people think rather it can be damaging to younger impressionable generations who are emotionally vulnerable, swayed by pressure, and who could suffer anxiety and insecurity from this. I know older generations would be snowflakes at this point if this bothered them so badly but younger generations are something else
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