The key point theologians like Thomas Aquinas made is that there is an analogy of being. We are not restricted to only equivocal or univocal use of terms. Terms can be analogous, in that there is a similarity even if they are not exactly the same. A common example I see is the term “good.”Good points about our human conception of power, which is not applicable to G-d. But can we also apply similar points to our human conception of love? Thus if we define G-d as love, are we not defining G-d according to our human conception of love?
This food tastes good. This food is good for you. That is a good dog. You did a good job. That is a good man. The word good in all these cases does not mean the same thing in a univocal way. However, it’s not equivocal either, the way I might say “He swung the wooden bat” and “The bat flies in the night.” In the examples of the word good above, there is some analogous commonality between all of them.
Likewise, while God does transcend the mode of our existence, there is still something analogous between God’s power and our power, even while recognizing that God’s power is not an attribute of him but is what he is. Likewise, God as love is analogous to human love in some way.
This is not entirely meaningless, mind. For example, with goodness we might refer to the broader concept of manifesting the perfections inherent in the nature of a thing. When we refer to food being good for you, we mean that it’s nutrition brings about health in humans, or if it tastes good that it brings about pleasure and enjoyment and is fulfilling for a person in that sense, or if a man is good that he fulfills his moral obligations as a human that pertain to his nature well. What it is for a man to be good and for food to be good is not the same, but (while not getting into a deep discussion on the nature of being, for the sake of argument) one can elaborate on the commonality being brought about.
And for power, that seems to be a reference to the ability to do things or actualize potential, we just have to understand that the manner this is for God is not the same manner it is for man, not just in scale, but because a man’s power is not his essence whereas for God, because of his simplicity, it is.
Continued in next post…