I was comparing percentage as compared to the DJIA
I really don’t know much about about economics. I’d rather be lucky than good. I had 0 at the beginning of AD. 2000 when I began working at a big box store and $125,000 as of today, A.D. 2020. In 2008, I had $20,000 when the market dropped in 2008. The last time I put any money into my account was in 2011, when I left that particular retail store, when it was $36,000. I actually contributed very little money in, even with the company match, which was little, as my contributions were little. Even by 2011, most of the increase was by gains. So, from 2011 until 2020 it increased from $36,000 to $160,000. So, from then on, it kept going up, with many drops, of course, buy it always bounced back. I was up to $160,000 before the beginning of the drop a few weeks ago. Did I do OK, you economic experts? Yeah, I confess, my calculations were overestimated. I’m not very good at math.