Apologist, at least ones that know what they are talking about, do not need to change their concepts. You are busy telling others what apologists mean by their concepts without ever having understood for yourself what apologists do in fact mean. To rationally critique a position requires that a person first understands that position.No, it does not “disprove” it. It merely shows that the words “describing” God are meaningless / nonsensical in that respect. Apologists could change their vocabulary to better suit the subject. If that is impossible, then they should admit that they have no idea what they are talking about.
If words describing God were used according to your definitions of the terms, then indeed apologist would be talking nonsense. But you have been mired down by the common and physicists meaning of terms, which is the foundation of your argument, and assert this is the only way theists can mean what they say. You will not understand the stipulated meanings of theological terms just so long as this remains your strategy. Hence, your argument cannot get off the ground.
So far, you have exhibited a refusal to understand theological or metaphysical terminology. So, if you ever change your mind, I recommend a serious study of Aristotle’s Metaphysica.
One cannot present a serious criticism of such terms as “act” until one first understands what the philosopher and theologian mean by the term. For instance, can you explain what the Thomist means by essence and existence, act and potency, prime matter, form, substance, quiddity, or accident? Unless one has a good working understanding of these concepts, then he is in no position to grasp what is meant by an act that does not involve change.
One can bring the entire science of physics to bear down on this issue, but it would have little relevance to the problem.
In conclusion, I have no doubt that anyone who lacks a background in metaphysics as represented by the philosophia perennis, lacks the tools required to formulate a worthwhile argument in favor of or against some usage of genuine metaphysical language.
To play baseball or any sport, one first needs to know the rules and be trained in the sport. Likewise, if one wants to play at metaphysics he first needs to know the rules or principles and get the necessary training. There is no other way possible.