Now Bahman, you are in our house. Our definition of God is that he is One, but that there are three Persons in God. The Second Person of the Trinity, the Son, assumed a complete human nature, but he did not lose his Divinity, and his Divinity was still united with the other two Persons. When Christ died, it was his human body which died and his human soul departed from the body. But his Divinity as the Second Person did not die. And when he rose again, it was his Divinity which brought the soul back to the dead body.Because there can only exist on unchangeable God otherwise you have to assume that God is changeable because it has to have two or more existences. That was one of my main objection to your picture.
Now all of this is a matter of Faith, based on Divine Revelation and defined by the Magisterium of the Church. It would really help if you would read the New Testament, whether or not you agree. And it would help if you would read the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
We cannot " prove " any of these things to you. They are not based on rational arguments from nature. We are sorry you don’t agree with anything, but that’s the way it is. I think we have done our best to answer your questions. What else can we do?