Is God easily offended?

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Why you think that God is easily offended? or not.
There are a few ways we can understand the word “offended”.
For our purposes, I think two meanings are important:
  1. “resentful or annoyed, typically as a result of a perceived insult”
  2. “being the victim of an evil, or the receiver of an action contrary to justice”
God is NOT “offended” in the 1st sense. God doesn’t change, and He is essentially above all of our actions; we are unable to truly harm Him.

However, God is definitely “offended” in the 2nd sense. Every time we sin, we cause an offense against God, who is perfect. We violate justice whenever we do anything contrary to God’s law.
Do you really think humanity would be here if God was easily offended? He knows we are sinners, he only wants to see us try to improve.
No. I believe that when humans feel offended, it is due to our inordinate attachments to pride, power, honor, things like that. I doubt that God feels anything but love for us.
I cannot speak for God about how He feels but I know for a fact He is quick to forgive anything…His Divine Mercy is endless!
Genesis 6:13
God said to Noah, "The end has come for all things of flesh; I have decided this because the earth is full of violence of man’s making, and I will efface them from the earth. . . ."

We might think of how the nations have prepared inventions of unparalleled violence and destruction. This is what I believe is offensive to our Creator.

In answer to your question, YHWH is not easily offended, but He will not tolerate mankind’s unrelenting propensity towards violence forever.
Do you really think humanity would be here if God was easily offended? He knows we are sinners, he only wants to see us try to improve.
He did destroy civilization once by the flood, and only 7 survived.

Who knows the number of individuals who were no more after the Passover.

Just to name 2 instances
Genesis 6:13
God said to Noah, "The end has come for all things of flesh; I have decided this because the earth is full of violence of man’s making, and I will efface them from the earth. . . ."

We might think of how the nations have prepared inventions of unparalleled violence and destruction. This is what I believe is offensive to our Creator.

In answer to your question, YHWH is not easily offended, but He will not tolerate mankind’s unrelenting propensity towards violence forever.
Add to that
  • those who were no more after the Passover in Egypt.
  • Sodom and Gomorrah
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It’s often hard to discern when we are under God’s wrath and when we are under the attacks of Satan, But the bigger question is whether God would ever let the evil of Satan affect us if He did not in some way condone it (see the Book of Job). For example, I think I have clearly seen how our human nature is wired to be so affected by depression and other afflictions, depression and other afflictions that can drive anybody to misery no matter how proud a person thinks they are and is immune to them. Human nature contains both good and evil to be sure, but the overall picture I see about human nature is not always as rosy as most of us would like.
Add to that
  • those who were no more after the Passover in Egypt.
  • Sodom and Gomorrah
2 name 2 more episodes
So God was “offended” in these 2 parts where he destructed those cities and brought the flood, yet it is a continuous thing, he should have known that it is the continuity of the human nature that he created, and I suppose he goes with it’s evil nature as well, if there is a God, he must be evil too, no other option but that, speaking of it in the old testament context too, he was offended by the sinners that he himself was agressive and violent, causing suffering to beings regardless of their species and age.
So God was “offended” in these 2 parts where he destructed those cities and brought the flood, yet it is a continuous thing, he should have known that it is the continuity of the human nature that he created, and I suppose he goes with it’s evil nature as well, if there is a God, he must be evil too, no other option but that, speaking of it in the old testament context too, he was offended by the sinners that he himself was agressive and violent, causing suffering to beings regardless of their species and age.
If we don’t have free will and a rational conscience, which God gave us, to use properly, then we are guilty of nothing no matter what we do… And we’re just manufactured life that is part of the food chain

The fact we have free will and a rational conscience, that can offend God, then the consequences mentioned happened to humanity for evil done, and shows God holds us culpable for what we do because that’s how He made us…

Even though you’re an atheist, God already stacked the deck in His favor. He planted Himself in your heart from your conception. You know deep down, He exists. You just don’t want to accept it. Therefore, this is not an intellectual problem but a moral problem.
If we don’t have free will and a rational conscience, which God gave us, to use properly, then we are guilty of nothing no matter what we do… And we’re just manufactured life that is part of the food chain

The fact we have free will and a rational conscience, that can offend God, then the consequences mentioned happened to humanity for evil done, and shows God holds us culpable for what we do because that’s how He made us…

Even though you’re an atheist, God already stacked the deck in His favor. He planted Himself in your heart from your conception. You know deep down, He exists. You just don’t want to accept it. Therefore, this is not an intellectual problem but a moral problem.
Conscience isn’t related to supernatural things.
How do I know deep down that God exists when I don’t believe there is any?
What I know deep down is that I woke up to realize intellectually and honestly that all the hundreds of gods and religions over history were man made, make believe, what makes the Catholic or the Judeo Christian god special that “I know deep down he exists”?, it’s just what you wish to believe because it’s your god and that’s cool, but it doesn’t make it true, to play on the psychology, if anything deep down exists it’s the inner self that we often confuse it to faith and we pray, contemplate medidate to connect to it. Doubters exist in all faiths, does it make it a fact that deep down they want to believe in what they know it isn’t true?
Conscience isn’t related to supernatural things.
How do I know deep down that God exists when I don’t believe there is any?
What I know deep down is that I woke up to realize intellectually and honestly that all the hundreds of gods and religions over history were man made, make believe, what makes the Catholic or the Judeo Christian god special that “I know deep down he exists”?, it’s just what you wish to believe because it’s your god and that’s cool, but it doesn’t make it true, to play on the psychology, if anything deep down exists it’s the inner self that we often confuse it to faith and we pray, contemplate medidate to connect to it. Doubters exist in all faiths, does it make it a fact that deep down they want to believe in what they know it isn’t true?
1781 Conscience enables one to assume responsibility for the acts performed. If man commits evil, the just judgment of conscience can remain within him as the witness to the universal truth of the good, at the same time as the evil of his particular choice. The verdict of the judgment of conscience remains a pledge of hope and mercy. In attesting to the fault committed, it calls to mind the forgiveness that must be asked, the good that must still be practiced, and the virtue that must be constantly cultivated with the grace of God:

cutting to the chase,

As I’ve said before, quoting Thomas Aquinas

a person of faith, no explanation is necessary, a person without faith no explanation is sufficient

IOW, Since you are an atheist, no explanation will be sufficient for you. So, I’ve used the following example of “Paschal’s wager”
in various ways over the years.

(the wager paraphrased)

At death, which all of us go through,

If you’re right about this and I’m wrong, then no big deal. No fault no foul. We’re dead. No consequences good or bad for anything we’ve done good or bad. We could be the worst person humanity has ever known or will know, or the best, we’re dead forever. Lights out.

If otoh, I’m right and you’re wrong, you’re screwed…forever. Since there is no clock in the after life, there is no notion of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, eons, it’s just the eternal now.

Since by virtue of our soul, given to us by God at our conception, we are immortal. We die in the body but our soul lives forever. Memory, intellect in tact forever in the transition to the next life. The question then is, … WHERE is forever going to be in the next life? Heaven or Hell.

Again, you will disagree with this wager as well. We’ll see who’s right and who’s wrong now won’t we?

Thus the wager, the bet, the gamble, the roll of the dice?

Gotta tell ya though, once dead you can’t pull back your wager if you find out you made a mistake.

If I made a mistake and there is no next life, and you’re right, Who cares? It doesn’t matter. You won’t know you’re right and I won’t know I was wrong. We’re dead forever.

That’s Not so, if you’re wrong.

Back in 09 I posted this link
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