I don’t know that I’d call logic “human”, as such. We certainly participate in it, but it is neither our creation or invention, wouldn’t you say? We learn it, and it’s based on the nature of the universe and of reason, rather than on us.Basically the context is that God is able to defy human logic, yet he willingly chooses to conform his course of action to it.
If you’re willing to make that distinction, then it’s not the case that God “chooses to conform his course of action to … human logic.” Rather, it’s that God wills the universe, with all its dynamics, and sustains what He has created.
So… no “fundamental inability to defy human logic”, either, but rather a constant willing of the universe He created. By the same token, it’s not a constraint on “God’s power to just what humans can understand”, but rather, that humans understand some or much of what God has created.
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