Is God's efficacious grace irresistible?

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Is God’s efficacious grace irresistible? If not, why not?
The elect has the POWER to resist, but they do not. The will remains free.

Secondly with foreknowledge, God knows who will resist and those who will not. Those cooperating will God’s grace will freely choose to do good.
What does justice have to do with it?
"Justice is the moral virtue that consists in the constant and firm will to give their due to God and neighbor. Justice toward God is called the “virtue of religion.” (CCC#1807). Since God is our creator and Father, and who preserves us in existence at every moment and who watches over us at every moment by His providence, it is just that we worship Him, submit to Him, and keep His law as He is the supreme lawgiver.
Now hell is a place of punishment for those who break God’s law mortally and who do not want to submit to Him. According to justice, lawbreakers are liable to punishment just as we see that ciminals are punished by imprisonment for breaking the just laws of the state or society. Some criminals are not fit to live within the society of free human beings just as some people and angels are not fit to live in the Kingdom of God and consequently their place is hell.
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