Is having no religion nor belief in gods all right?

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It’s just what it sounds like, a petition to God. But where our prayers come with the disclaimer, “they will be done,” we can’t treat God like the genie in the lamp.
some people said that you should always have faith in God and only him, so he will answer your prayers. but what if you don’t have a religion? does that mean that you cant have the wishes you want to be granted? or if you have a different religion?
Let me see if I can rephrase the question for you: “Does God work in the lives of those who do not profess to the Catholic faith?”

Is this what you’re wondering?

If so, I believe that He most certainly does! That said, as Catholics, we don’t believe that all paths to God are “equal.” He has his one true church in the Catholic faith.
Hi itzgabb! Welcome!

Okay, I will give your question a try…

First of all, the Bible tells us that God shows Himself in nature. It is difficult to not believe in God when you search for the answer to questions such as “where does the universe end, how did we get here,” etc. God shows Himself to us in science, genius, the good side of man, and in many other ways.

So going with that premise, which religion is best? Which is true? And this is where faith steps in. The Bible tells us we love and have faith in what we can’t see. We can’t reach out and touch God, but we know he is there.

There are many religions. I have been involved in a few of them and believe the Catholic Church embodies the truth. Many religions require that we work at being like God or close to God. In Catholicism/Christianity, Jesus (God as a man) is reaching down to bring God to us. That is why he was born as a human.

Men/women put their trust in many religions and gods. But only one God is Truth – the God of the Bible. However, God being all-fair and all-just, will judge us on what we know. God will judge other religions differently. There are different views on how that will transpire. The Catholic Church is the earliest form of Christianity and holds the Truth of Christianity. All other Christian faiths deviated from that years and years later.

Also, there are religions that will grant your wishes, so to speak. But the power behind those, is not from God and is anti-God in its nature. You should not delve in this (spiritism, Satanism, New Age theory, etc.)

Why don’t you ask God to show Himself to you and help you to understand? Your questions show that you are searching for Truth.

My prayers go with you.
If so, I believe that He most certainly does! That said, as Catholics, we don’t believe that all paths to God are “equal.” He has his one true church in the Catholic faith.
There are many ways to God. Islam is the most truthful way to God. Ofcourse that is belief of Muslims.
We can agree to disagree on this point, but to answer the young woman starting this thread, I do not believe that God is absent in the lives of people who don’t profess to His teachings.
We can agree to disagree on this point, but to answer the young woman starting this thread, I do not believe that God is absent in the lives of people who don’t profess to His teachings.
God is equal for a believer and an unbeliever on the world. God feed all people with foods… So yes God is present for every one. But for special blessing we should knock doors. That is faith and worship.
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