Is the pandemic going to kick start another universal healthcare debate? Some say it will. I’m curious how other Catholics respond to this question.
It may not be a “right”, but it is just that we provide it for our neighbors in need…or is the parable Chirst tells of us in Luke 10:25-37 nonsense?Healthcare is not a right because nobody has a right to another man’s labor.
Matthew 22:21 and Romans 13:1 come immediately to mind.Unless you could point out to me in the Bible where Jesus said we need to make a big government mandate to force the taxpayer to subsidize people’s Health Care.
This verse is about paying your taxes and obeying the law. This has nothing to do with healthcare being a right or Jesus telling us to form a big government. Jesus tells us to obey the government, but not to form a bigger one. You also miss the nuances of that verse as well.Matthew 22 21
21 “Caesar’s,” they replied.
Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
Again, another call to obey the government. Not a call to expand the government or to demand healthcare be a right. Back than, the people didn’t govern, Ceasar did. Whatever mandate or law he enacted was on him. Now, today, we live in a republic. A government by the people. Thus we have the power to make law. But that doesn’t give us the right to trample on other people and force them to pay out of their own sweat and labor to subsidize other people’s bad choices. If someone wants to get fat and eat pizza everyday, they have the freedom to do so, but they have no right to stay healthy so they can continue to make bad choices.Romans 13:1
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God
How is it a “cross” to do the job you chose? Maybe you should look at a picture of Jesus carrying the cross.Then everyone’s rights are someone else’s cross!
So you want the government to micromanage every aspect of people’s lives? You want the ultimate nanny state where the government forces its idea of healthy behavior on you? So - no more cigarettes, no more alcohol, no more pizza (the Pope will be disappointed), no more meat (veganism is healthier), no more riding in cars (cycling is healthier), mandated physical exams (it’s healthier to nip things in the bud), mandated physical exercise, mandated vaccines (wouldn’t want your daughter to catch hpv), maybe even mandated masturbation (since psychologists believe it is healthy). The list goes on. And if your idea of healthy behavior differs from the governments, there are ways to force you. This may be a utopia to you, but I find it terrifying for by body to be the property of the government,But that doesn’t give us the right to trample on other people and force them to pay out of their own sweat and labor to subsidize other people’s bad choices. If someone wants to get fat and eat pizza everyday, they have the freedom to do so, but they have no right to stay healthy so they can continue to make bad choices.
You have no idea what a negative or an inalienable right is. A negative right can be voluntarily given up, but it can never truly be taken away. What happened after 9/11 ( the Patriot Act) is the fault of the voter. The voter voluntarily elected those people to make that law. The voter gave up what rights the Patriot Act takes away. The voter can easily take it back if they really wanted to (either with ballots or bullets).Rights are something that can never be taken away”
Of course rights can be taken away! Rights are taken away all the time. After 9/11, rights were taken away. Rights are bestowed by the governing body, not nature, and they can be taken away by that same governing body. Rights are a legal construct.
Really? Because I see obese people stuffing their faces everyday wondering why they are fat and unhealthy. I see promiscuous people being promiscuous and catching a Litany of STDs and other diseases related to their lifestyle choices. I see people putting themselves into malnutrition by following whatever fad diet conforms to their ideology. I see chronic cigarette smokers coughing up a lung or have a hole literally poked in their throat so they can breathe and still light up another cigarette. I also see people make stupid decisions and blow off their fingers with firecrackers or hurting themselves while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. People do stupid things all the time. Yeah people get hurt, but it’s their responsibility to take care of themselves not mine. Insurance exists literally for this purpose.Most people do not like being sick and in pain and dying.
Yes they can and have done so.No, they can’t. The firefighters cannot come to your house, see it burning to the ground, and say they don’t want to put the fire out.