Is healthcare a right or a responsibility?

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I can’t comment on that. I don’t know the details of that situation. I’m merely discussing in general terms. Someone above mentioned that if HC becomes a right, people will lose the incentive to live healthy lifestyles and make proper choices for themselves. I absolutely agree with that!
There are no rights in the natural sense. Nature doesn’t give rights.

I also would not like socialized healthcare to provide services that contradict my morals. But I’m not sure how it could be any other way. Even without socialized medicine, medical services I don’t agree with will be performed.

The buildings where medical services (that I morally oppose) are performed are inspected for safety by the fire department (that my taxes pay for), etc. This is unavoidable.
We may have a right to EMS but that is very different from some of the more expensive and questionable interventions. We certainly have aright to pursue what we think is in our best interest.

Can we all agree that each of us has a responsibility to do the best we ca for our own health?
Okay… I think we are on two different plains of thinking. Do you believe in natural law? That our rights and freedoms come from God? That freedom doesn’t mean we’re free to do whatever we want?
Really? Because I see obese people stuffing their faces everyday wondering why they are fat and unhealthy. I see promiscuous people being promiscuous and catching a Litany of STDs and other diseases related to their lifestyle choices. I see people putting themselves into malnutrition by following whatever fad diet conforms to their ideology. I see chronic cigarette smokers coughing up a lung or have a hole literally poked in their throat so they can breathe and still light up another cigarette. I also see people make stupid decisions and blow off their fingers with firecrackers or hurting themselves while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. People do stupid things all the time. Yeah people get hurt, but it’s their responsibility to take care of themselves not mine. Insurance exists literally for this purpose.
I see this unhealthy behavior too and I have earned myself the reputation of an “insufferable vegan” for encouraging people to eat healthy. But I also recognize that I cannot force my health food ideology on other people (though I will always encourage it).

Would you like it if I was the one who could enforce healthy behavior on you? Before you answer, you should know that I consume NO tobacco, alcohol, soda, meat, dairy, high fructose corn syrup, refined sugar, highly-processed food, medium-processed food, and a list of other foods that don’t meet my standards of healthy food. I am what is called a ‘whole foods vegan.’ You might not be so happy living in a world governed by me. (If you do like it, then “howdy fellow whole foods vegan!”)
Healthcare is not a right and should never be so. Healthcare is extremely important. Too important to be left in the hands of the government. I haven’t forgotten about what universal healthcare has done to Alfie Evans. I would never want that evil here in my country.
We have laws that protect property. That includes churches and brothels. Abortion mills and health clinics. Satan never sleeps! We are commanded by Christ to confront evil on all levels and eradicate it as best we can, and that means to work at putting PPH and immoral places out of business. I pray we can end Roe v Wade in my lifetime. That doesn’t mean we give in and conduct ourselves in self-pity.
No human lives were lost in that fire. I bet if people were burned alive in that house, there would have been criminal changes against the cruel fire(not) fighters.
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I have a right to own a gun. I still have to purchase that gun.

I have a right to access healthcare, as anyone else has a right to pay/exchange for goods or services. I still have to pay for that healthcare.

If the government guarantee’s health care, then the government should give me a gun and all the ammo I want for it.

But the gun would probably end up exploding in my face, because that’s government quality for you.
Someone above mentioned that if HC becomes a right, people will lose the incentive to live healthy lifestyles and make proper choices for themselves. I absolutely agree with that!
This is madness. Do you really believe people will injure themselves on purpose because medical care is covered? Medical treatment HURTS. Most people do not like pain.
Are you saying that your taxes shouldn’t pay to have the elevator in the abortion clinic inspected by the fire department?
This is madness. Do you really believe people will injure themselves on purpose because medical care is covered? Medical treatment HURTS. Most people do not like pain.
You would think, but look at all the protesters against social distancing in Michigan who had no reservations in putting themselves and others in harms way by congregating.
I think access to healthcare is a human right, most European countries know that.
I think there is also a personal responsibility in keeping a good health, for example not overeating, getting vaccinated, not smoking, taking meds regularly if needed etc.
That’s because they don’t know they are endangering themselves. People hurt themselves out of ignorance. You were saying that they would intentionally hurt themselves. Most people who hurt themselves do so in ignorance. When some fool tries to jump off his roof into his swimming pool, it’s not because he wants to be paralyzed for the rest of his life. It’s because he saw something in a movie and actually believed he would land in the pool unharmed. People can be very ignorant. And we all do dumb stuff from time to time.
I think there is also a personal responsibility in keeping a good health, for example not overeating, getting vaccinated, not smoking, taking meds regularly if needed etc.
I would agree with this with one amendment: People have to be let to decide for themselves what it means to “keep in good health.” People will obviously disagree on what “keeping in good health” means. For you, it might mean “taking meds.” For me, it might be a wholefoods vegan diet. You shouldn’t impose meds on me and I shouldn’t impose veganism on you.

I would add: this also means that people who want to smoke can smoke. They will have made the decision that the health benefits of smoking outweigh the harms.
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Well, @SugarMagnolia I was thinking about meds that you cannot stop taking, for example insulin for juvenile diabetes or HAART for HIV.
About smoking obviously there are free choices but also consequences. Even a kid now knows that smoking can increase the chances to get cancer; the scientific knowledge it is not like 50 years ago.
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My concern is with nanny state thinking where adults are not allowed to decide what’s best of them. Some drugs one cannot live without, so there’s no much choice there. it’s life or death. But there are other times when people might opt for a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals. Or times when people decide that the side effects of a drug are worse than the effects of their illness.

Smoking helps some people relax. There are also bad side effects to antidepressants and tranquilizers.
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Certainly certain conditions leave room for ‘alternative’ medicine but when is a life or death situation I prefer a solid, proven drug regimen.
There is no nanny state, individual freedom is always there, even when treating deadly diseases. Even with deadly diseases, nobody can force an individual to get treatment (unless we are talking about a minor).
Then they also shall answer him, saying: Lord, when did we see thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister to thee? Then he shall answer them, saying: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it not to one of these least, neither did you do it to me.
Matthew 25:44-45.

There are sick people on this country who need help and don’t have jobs that provide them with health insurance. As Christians, we have a responsibility to help them. To put it another way, they have a right to our help.

So, yes: Per Jesus’ explicit instruction on pain of Hell, health care is a right of every human; and everyone else’s access to health care is the responsibility of every human.

Or, to put it another way: Who was the neighbor of the Samaritan who had been set upon by robbers? Hint: It wasn’t the guy who said that he shouldn’t‘ve got himself into that situation in the first place, and anyway it’s his own fault for not having his own health plan.
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