That is not true. New movies and TV shows are coming/have come out about World War II. The attention to detail, mannerisms, period language and other details is amazing.
There are all different stripes of sede. The most common argument is that there was no valid pope after Pius XII. Some say that the present pope holds the office materially but not formally, others say legally, others say the Holy See is neither totally occupied nor totally empty. I even read one website where they said Pius IX was the last valid pope.Gibson claims he isn’t, last I heard. He’s just not in communion with Rome.
In general terms, perhaps. But I highly doubt that anyone who could be considered an “elite” told anyone to have the priest in the OP’s example wear a collar and jacket instead of vestments for a baptism.The elites tell writers what to write. They also tell Literary Agents what they are looking for.
They knew enough that Catholic priests do wear collars and jackets. They just weren’t aware that they don’t wear them for baptisms.At least they didn’t put him in a white Nehru suit.
She’s Columbian. She crosses herself. I’m pretty sure she is Catholic.Are you SURE the character is Catholic? Is it possible that she could be Episcopalian, or one of the other mainline denominations?
Well, there’s a big difference between receiving the sacrament of baptism, (which as you say can be administered by anyone with the right intention, matter and form) and performing the baptismal rites inside a Catholic Church. I don’t think you’re “allowed” to ask for a toned down baptism in a Catholic Church without GRAVE reasons.I didn’t think a priest in the Catholic Church was required to wear vestments for a baptism, since any Christian is allowed to perform a baptism during an emergency, and also, the Catholic Church recognizes as valid the baptisms of Protestants, many of whom are baptized by people wearing casual clothing and even jeans or other outdoor clothing.)
I liked The Young Pope. It was a good show aesthetically speaking and I thought they did a decent job of portraying some of the politics of the Church. The plot was a little preposterous at times, but hey, it’s a TV show. I enjoyed Jude Law’s somewhat over-the-top portrayal.The Young Pope.
I agree. And unlike my two examples it gets the DETAILS just right. They can make their characters into horrible caricatures and terrible Catholics, but everything on display is liturgically spot on.I liked The Young Pope .
Exactly. I loved the attention to detail. And it was very artfully done too. One thing Europeans always seem to do better than Americans is recognize cinema as an art. (But that is a discussion for another thread).I agree. And unlike my two examples it gets the DETAILS just right. They can make their characters into horrible caricatures and terrible Catholics, but everything on display is liturgically spot on.
There’s that great scene in Inglorius Basterds where a German officer realises that the German officer he is talking to is actually English because when he orders three more drinks he holds up his first, middle and ring fingers. People on the continent would use thumb, first and middle.puppson:
They knew enough that Catholic priests do wear collars and jackets. They just weren’t aware that they don’t wear them for baptisms.At least they didn’t put him in a white Nehru suit.
It’s just like when you see German soldiers in WWII films eating with their utensils like Americans do. They knew enough that Germans use knifes and forks, but were unaware that they use them very differently than Americans.
Same with smoking cigarettes. German soldiers during WWII held their cigarettes differently than Americans,
It doesn’t mean that the writers, producers or the “elites” made them eat or smoke that way out of antipathy. It’s just really hard to get all the little details right.