Is homosexuality a mental health disorder?

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Kevin Walker and other conservative Catholics on this forum, me included, assert that homosexuality is a mental health disorder. Others beg to differ. What does the Vatican say? It seems to me that the Vatican agrees with Kevin:
The 900-page Lexicon On Ambiguous and Colloquial Terms about Family Life and Ethical Questions was prepared by the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for the Family, a committee on which the Archbishop of Sydney, George Pell, presides, along with 17 other cardinals and bishops.
Promoted as the Vatican’s response to secular society’s deteriorating social values, the lexicon queries the use by world leaders and public organisations of 78 key words related to sexuality, condoms, abortion, birth control and genetic engineering.

A section titled “Homosexuality and Homophobia” says that homosexuality stems from an “unresolved psychological conflict” and explains that those who want to give homosexuals equal legal rights “deny a psychological problem which makes homosexuality against the social fabric”.
The issue has become so politicized that it’s almost hazardous even to speculate on the etiology of homosexuality. I think that up until the 1970’s it was included as a mental health disorder by the American Psychological Association. The APA later removed it from the manual of psychological disorders; but I’ve heard that at the time of that action a majority of the board deciding the issue was itself homosexual, so the action may have been decided on a political rather than a medical, basis.
I think so. The homosexuals I know seem to have a lot of issues.
I think so. The homosexuals I know seem to have a lot of issues.
Forgive my flippedness but might it also be considered a morality disorder? It is a mortal sin after all. Being such, doesn’t God hold accountable those who participate in the sin?
I dont’ think it’s a mental disorder but saying that it is gives those people who practice that kind of life a crutch to blame it on. Sins are choices, you chose to sin or not to sin. It’s black and white to me. I do sin too. I am not acting like I don’t. It is not easy to turn away from sinful things sometimes. The devil makes all sin look inviting and fun. Or gives an excuse in some peoples heads, oh thats is what is wrong with me I’ll just have to live with being homosexual, it’s ok. NOT!!!

It is absolutely a psychological disorder. It is only one of a long list of sexual deviations and disorders.
If you claim that homosexuality is not psychological but biological (and you have only those 2 choices) - then you are logically forced to admit that all the other sexual deviations and disorders are “biological” too.
Like pedophilia for instance. Why would that one be any different?

They have also since changed the wording in other of the nearly 30 sexual deviations to say in essence that unless the condition is bothersome or “causes distress” for the person - then it really isn’t a disorder! Watch out… pedophillia is on that list and many like Dr. Dobson and Dr. Laura who are in that field have WARNED us of what is down the road…

There is a wonderful Catholic psychologist named Dr. Joseph Nicolosi who has worked with homosexuals for many, many years. He has written at least one book and what he has to say is very important and very right on.
He is very compassionate toward these wounded men and women. (I think he works mostly with men in his practice).
He says that the root cause of homosexuality is a case of “gender identity crisis” that starts often around the crucial age of 18 months old.
It is fascinating what he has to say.
He has successfully treated many gay men - through long, long processes of intense therapy to get at the ROOT of the pain. These men have gone on to live heterosexual lives, marrying and having families.
I saw him years ago on a talk show and of course he is villified by many - but not all - of his peers. What do you expect?

So when people say that homosexuality isn’t a “choice” - that is true. No more than panic attacks or narcissism is a “choice.”
There are ROOT causes though as to how and why a personality was shaped that ended up manifesting these deviations - and any psychological disorder.
With a sexual deviation and disorder though - the CHOICE is whether to sin and act on those compulsions and feelings.
The world says, 'If it feels good DO IT!"
God says, “Do what I have commanded you to do and do not do what I have forbidden.”
Of course the secular field of psychology no longer recognizes God’s laws as being relevant in their field. Odd, as the term psychology means “study of the soul.”

I see the condition of homosexuality and any psychogical disorder as sad. These are very wounded people and need to hear there is “HOPE!” To tell them their condition is “genetic” or “biological” removes any hope of changing.
And no one will ever convince me that homosexuals are “happy the way they are” as some claim. It’s just not true.
It’s definitely a disorder. I lean towards believing it is psychological. That being said, let’s imagine it’s genetic. There are all sorts of people out there with genetic disorders, yet homosexuality seems to be the only one where the afflicted are not treated or given therapy to either cure it or help them overcome it and lead a normal life. Why is that?
It is absolutely a psychological disorder. It is only one of a long list of sexual deviations and disorders.
If you claim that homosexuality is not psychological but biological (and you have only those 2 choices) - then you are logically forced to admit that all the other sexual deviations and disorders are “biological” too.
Like pedophilia for instance. Why would that one be any different?
This is a very good point. I have long thought that if it had not been for the priestly child sex abuse scandal, pedophiles would even now be making a case similar to homosexuals: ‘We are born this way, this is our sexual orientation, and we should not be discriminated against because of it. Not only that, but we should be allowed to marry our young lovers.’

I fully expect that position to be raised in the future. It is already being advocated by such organizations as NAMBLA. Expect a push for the lowering of the age of consent in some test states, to pave the way for what is euphemistically being called “intergenerational marriage.”
I don’t think it’s a disorder of any kind I feel it is a choice they want in their life. I have never met or heard of anyone wanting to be “cured”. I have talked to homosexual people and they did not feel they had something wrong with them. I believe the devil prays on the weaknesses of people. He finds what entices people and tempts them with it. If is little children then thats what he puts in your mind if, it is gluttony, adultery and many more.

I would think that if homosexuality was mental then GOD would have had mercy on Sodom and Gomorrah. Why would he destroy the metally ill and not help them? GOD did not destroy people who are just depressed or panic attacked people.

I will never treat a person bad because of their choices. What we all chose to do or not do will be between us and GOD not anyone else.

This is a very good point. I have long thought that if it had not been for the priestly child sex abuse scandal, pedophiles would even now be making a case similar to homosexuals: ‘We are born this way, this is our sexual orientation, and we should not be discriminated against because of it. Not only that, but we should be allowed to marry our young lovers.’

I fully expect that position to be raised in the future. It is already being advocated by such organizations as NAMBLA. Expect a push for the lowering of the age of consent in some test states, to pave the way for what is euphemistically being called “intergenerational marriage.”
JimG - You are 100% absolutely right on target with your prediction. It is just a matter of time before what you pose is a reality. The Catholic bishops warned in the 1930’s that we had begun on the “slippery slope” when the first and ONLY christian church (Anglican Church) “permitted” use of artificial birth control in ‘some cases.’ And so it began. To what we see today.
What the bishops WARNED would come to pass eventually: Rampant promiscuity, abortion on demand, infanticide, euthanasia, acceptance of homosexualtiy and other deviant sexual behaviors as normal, widespread pornography - and the ugly list goes on.
They KNEW the connection and the path it would eventually lead to.
And now, we know that the psychological disorder of homosexuality was completely removed in the 70’s from the
DSM-V and that eventually they rephrased even pedophilla as only being a “disorder” if it causes distress to the pedophile!
Who would have thought even 10 years ago that there would actually be American judges that would LEGALIZE “marriage” between 2 men or 2 women???
I shudder to think what American judges may “legalize” 5 yrs from now.
Forgive my flippedness but might it also be considered a morality disorder? It is a mortal sin after all. Being such, doesn’t God hold accountable those who participate in the sin?
I answered this wrong. I should have said I really don’t know. The ones I know are on medication.
It is absolutely a psychological disorder. It is only one of a long list of sexual deviations and disorders.
If you claim that homosexuality is not psychological but biological (and you have only those 2 choices) - then you are logically forced to admit that all the other sexual deviations and disorders are “biological” too.
Like pedophilia for instance. Why would that one be any different?
I am sorry, I am no expert on psychology but my personal opinion is that homosexuality is simply a choice. In the quote above, you said that “you have only 2 choices” one being a psychological disorder and the other being biological. I do not believe that you can lump all human activity into one or the other of these categories. For example, if a person prefers coffee to tea, which category does this belong to? If a child steals $20 out of mom’s purse, is he labeled with having a psychological disorder or a biological disorder? My point is by saying that homosexuality is a disease or disorder you seem to be suggesting that the homosexual has no control over him/her self. God tells us that homosexuality is a sin. How is it that God will hold the homosexual accountable for something that is not within his or her control? If someone is biologically ill and misses mass because they are unable to get out of bed, are they held accountable for that? No. So, all I am trying to say is don’t give the homosexual a “free pass” to continue the act by suggesting that he/she has no control over their actions.
So when people say that homosexuality isn’t a “choice” - that is true. No more than panic attacks or narcissism is a “choice.”
Again, I disagree. Someone who experiences a panic attack truly does not have the choice of saying no. It can occur in a public place, in a person’s home, at a restaurant, etc. The homosexual has an option. He/she does not springboard into bed every time he/she sees someone of the same sex. The fact that they make decisions concerning who they do and do not have sex with proves that choices are being made. They simply are choosing the wrong gender to pursue.

I see it as a choice. It is in the same category to me as whether a person prefers coffee or would rather have tea. I personally love coffee. However, if I found that somewhere in the Bible, God had forbidden man from drinking coffee I would stop drinking it immediately and look towards hot tea in place of it. Would I still want the coffee? You had better believe it, but I would deny myself that which God has forbidden me to partake of because I love and respect the Lord. Practicing homosexuals do not choose to make this choice. Their own self-indulgences are too important to them to be pushed aside simply because God has forbidden it. We can debate this until our fingers falling off onto the keyboard, but the Bible says it very plainly. Homosexually is an abomination (Lev 18:23), (Lev 20:13). Those who commit sodomy will not inherit the kingdom of God (I Corinthians 6:9-10). God turns them over to their impurity (Romans 1:24-32). Goes against the Law (1 Timothy 1:8-11). Were the people mentioned in these verses suffering from a psychological disorder? Did not God hold them accountable for their sin? I think that the Bible say He did.
I am sorry, I am no expert on psychology but my personal opinion is that homosexuality is simply a choice. In the quote above, you said that “you have only 2 choices” one being a psychological disorder and the other being biological. I do not believe that you can lump all human activity into one or the other of these categories. For example, if a person prefers coffee to tea, which category does this belong to? If a child steals $20 out of mom’s purse, is he labeled with having a psychological disorder or a biological disorder? My point is by saying that homosexuality is a disease or disorder you seem to be suggesting that the homosexual has no control over him/her self. God tells us that homosexuality is a sin. How is it that God will hold the homosexual accountable for something that is not within his or her control? If someone is biologically ill and misses mass because they are unable to get out of bed, are they held accountable for that? No. So, all I am trying to say is don’t give the homosexual a “free pass” to continue the act by suggesting that he/she has no control over their actions.

Again, I disagree. Someone who experiences a panic attack truly does not have the choice of saying no. It can occur in a public place, in a person’s home, at a restaurant, etc. The homosexual has an option. He/she does not springboard into bed every time he/she sees someone of the same sex. The fact that they make decisions concerning who they do and do not have sex with proves that choices are being made. They simply are choosing the wrong gender to pursue.

I see it as a choice. It is in the same category to me as whether a person prefers coffee or would rather have tea. I personally love coffee. However, if I found that somewhere in the Bible, God had forbidden man from drinking coffee I would stop drinking it immediately and look towards hot tea in place of it. Would I still want the coffee? You had better believe it, but I would deny myself that which God has forbidden me to partake of because I love and respect the Lord. Practicing homosexuals do not choose to make this choice. Their own self-indulgences are too important to them to be pushed aside simply because God has forbidden it. We can debate this until our fingers falling off onto the keyboard, but the Bible says it very plainly. Homosexually is an abomination (Lev 18:23), (Lev 20:13). Those who commit sodomy will not inherit the kingdom of God (I Corinthians 6:9-10). God turns them over to their impurity (Romans 1:24-32). Goes against the Law (1 Timothy 1:8-11). Were the people mentioned in these verses suffering from a psychological disorder? Did not God hold them accountable for their sin? I think that the Bible say He did.
I think what K777angel is saying is homosexual attraction is a psychological disease. Which is fact.
But went on to state that they have control over wither or not to act on that attraction. Which is also fact.

I think the sodomites have been so effective in ther propraganda, that we tend to lose the very thick and very bold line that seperates what you feel inclined to do, and what you do.

I’d wager to say that there are as many more people who suffer from same sex attraction who are either chaste or living in a married relationship, than are active sodomites.
It is clearly a mental disorder, and was categorized as such by the APA, until they caved to political pressure in the early '70s.

Consider the general criteria for diagnosing a mental illness; some disorder that results in behavior that is in some way detrimental to the overall physical health of the sufferer.

See how homosexuality qualifies? Among other dangers inherent in homosexual behavior:

  1. *]Increased risk for AIDS
    *]Increased risk for aberrant sexual behavior (satyriasis and nymphomania are both recognized, heterosexual disorders with much less physical risk associated with them, as is gender identity disorder. If these qualify, why not homosexuality? [Though watch. The APA will attempt to normalize gender ID disorder in the next five years])
    *]Increased risk for drug abuse
    *]Increased risk for anal cancer amongst males. In fact, this particular cancer is virtually unknown outside the homosexual population.
    *]Significantly lowered expected lifespan.
    *]Significantly increased risk for depression and suicide. I am pretty sure this is just as true for “outed” gay people as it is for “closet” homosexuals.

    Simply applying the general rules inherent in diagnosing a mental disorder, homosexuality CLEARLY qualifies. But due to political pressure demanding its normalization, the APA refuses to see it as such.
Homosexuality is a psycho-sexual-DEVELOPMENT disorder.

It all goes back to developmental years.
What amazes me is that this tiny group of rather unsympathetic characters has made such a huge change both politically and in our collective mind. Homosexuality was considered a scandal the ‘love that cannot say its name’ for thousands of years. Now we have prime time TV featuring a group of kicky boyz revamping a frumpy straight guy. (I actually know one of them from another life). We have homosexual politicians sharing their sex lives with the public–too much information boys! We have school programs so that l3 year olds get to learn about sodomy. We have ‘queer clubs’ that frankly encourage people to explore this activity.

How did this all happen? I suspect a lot of it is a legacy of the civil rights movement. We’ve become so sensitive to being called a bigot that people will literally accept what is unacceptable in many cultures and religions.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
How did this all happen? I suspect a lot of it is a legacy of the civil rights movement. We’ve become so sensitive to being called a bigot that people will literally accept what is unacceptable in many cultures and religions.

Lisa N
I think someone had the bright idea to make “homosexual” a class of people so it could fit under laws designed to protect real classes of people who were actually unjustly discriminated against.

Before “homosexual” became a class, they were just people whose sin of choice was sodomy.
Homosexuality is an objective disorder, whatever its cause.

I don’t believe in the genetic explanation and I find it extremely hard to accept the possibility of there being no choice involved, except in cases of easily influenced people.

Personally, I tend to think it’s a psychological disorder.
Please get the CD from St. Joseph Communications

called Confronting the Gay Agenda by Deacon Dr. Bob MacDonald.
It’s a medical and scientific explanation that it is most certainly a psychological disorder.
Great CD! - then share it with someone who says, “They can’t help it, they’re born that way”.

God bless,
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