ad hominem is basically tearing down the person you are arguing instead of the person’s argument itself. Charley has been calling it out a lot recently, apparently not seeing the irony.
I’m curious about your view here. You believe in God and that the universe is created, but you think the physical universe is the bible from which you draw conclusions. I’m therefore curious what you see in the physical universe that makes you believe there is a God and that the universe is created? I don’t wish to argue it, but I’d like to know your logic in this regard.
Thanks for the Latin tip. Charley evidently didn’t read the comment you added. You did your best.
I don’t have a “view.” My posts are actually based upon a conscientiously developed theory which was derived over 4 decades from a variety of sources, primarily evidential. It is still being developed, which is why I’m on CAF.
It really is not correct that I believe in God, despite my assertions that I do. It is more correct to state that I believe that our universe is created. The word “God” is commonly interpreted by believers, atheists, and agnostics such as yourself to mean the entity defined by Christianity. I do not believe in such an entity on the grounds that its existence is logically impossible.
However I do have a concept which defines an entity (actually a group of entities, yourself included) which have the physical potential to create the universe. They also have rational self-serving motivations for doing so. No Christian would accept this concept as his “God,” so using the term is pretty sloppy on my part. But I don’t know how else to communicate even a sense of these alternative ideas to individuals whose God-concept is rigidly defined.
By the “physical universe” I mean the entire universe, not only the stars we see or the billions of galaxies our telescopes have found, but everything here on this earth as well. Dinosaur bones and e-coli are part of this universe. Likewise my personal consciousness and clear evidence of yours, although I know you only via sequences of symbols.
My copy of the physical universe includes all the explanations generated to explain its existence, its beliefs and disbeliefs. The P.U. contains far more information than I could have personally acquired, so I include within it the theories and explanations of other conscious minds. That means, the Old and New Testaments, the I Ching, K’tab’i-quan, Book of the Dead, etc. It also includes a few physics, math, and engineering texts, and the writings of some biologists and microbiologists. The ideas of men are as much a part of this universe as are horseflies. .
I sort the P.U.'s information into various categories.
The highest level is common, observed data. Yep, there are stars, plants, people and critters. There are also balls of lightening which roll down streets, UFO’s, Edgar Cayce, and a variety of interesting and legitimate “psychic” phenomena, never mind TV exploitations. I’ve had some of these experiences and conducted experiments to verify them (some exposed frauds, others verified the general validity of the experiences).
Next level is scientific data---- readings on voltmeters, and strings of ones and zeros transmitted from the CCD’s which are the “eyes” of telescopes, I trust this material more than direct observation because it is objective and recordable.
Next is thoughtful analysis of the data. The most trustworthy analysts are those who have no theory of their own to promote. Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, etc. were simply putting a mathematical framework behind observations, not promoting a religious agenda or seeking a government grant. (Nevermind that many of these men were deeply religious.)
Scientists who have bought into an already popular theory are the least trustworthy. (I’ve known Ph.d’s who fudged the data, or left out that which would discredit their own opinions.) Happens a lot, and some fields are more prone to it than others. Biology sold out to Darwinism (both pseudo-scientific and cultural Darwinism) long ago. Cosmology sold out to Big Bang theory. Lots of the data accessed by these guys is suppressed, but much of what gets passed our way is valid, thanks to science’s built-in checks and balances.
By way of tools for deciphering the P.U. I like math and common logic.
IMO no legitimate data can be excluded from any theory which attempts to find a clear and irrefutable understanding of the origin, nature, and purpose of things,
The exclusion of evidence has been a common religious practice ever since, but as science has traipsed further into metaphysical domains it has become equally guilty of blowing off data. That’s why I like the physical universe in its entirety as a source of data, because although the source material my be falsely interpreted by men, it cannot be rewritten or “translated.”