Is it a Sin to cut grass on Sunday?

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I usually cut my grass on Friday nights (almost always - weather permitting), it rained this Friday, it’s raining now (Saturday) and looks like it will rain throughout the day. I did not cut my grass last Friday because something came up so it is really high, I NEVER cut grass on Sunday but I may have to. I won’t be home in the evenings during the week, if I am I won’t have time to do that, it takes me about two hours, I also only own a push mower (not self propelled). So would it be a Sin to cut grass on Sunday - just this one time? Thanks and God bless.
And while you’re cutting it, say a full 20 decade rosary, a chaplet of Divine Mercy, acts of faith, hope, love, and contrition, and pray for world peace.

Funny you should ask…I was raised Baptist…no matter how high the grass was…you didn’t cut the grass on Sunday. My dad’s answer, of course the obvious, it’s the Sabbath. The other reason, it’s everyone else’s Sabbath also. This is when we lived in town.

Now as an adult, I live in the country. My lawn mower will not disrupt anyone’s Sabbath, Dad!

So the way I look at it, is cutting your grass a chore to you or is it a relaxing time for you. My husband enjoys cutting the grass, a time to think and relax, destress. Sometimes I wish that I could leave the house and cut the grass (three children!)

I would probably cut the grass late in the afternoon, when all your neighbors are at church! 😃
Do you find it theraputic and enjoyable or is it just a chore to you?
I was raised in a methodist/lutheran/church of god - all non-practicing home.
Hanging laundry, cutting grass and movies were severly restricted on Sundays.
Watching football, screaming for your team and devouring a case of beer were ok though. :rolleyes:
Cut the grass Dave.
Doesn’t the Catechism limit us to 2 hours of servile work on Sunday? Or is that the old Catechism? How big is your lawn, Dave? 😃
My husband loves to do yard work… so cutting grass on Sunday would actually be relaxing for him. But I think it’s rude when people roar up their mowers at the crack of dawn… maybe your neighbors don’t observe the Sabbath, but they do like to sleep in… so wait until afternoon if you do it. 🙂
It may not be a sin but what I think of my neighbor who mows his lawn faithfully early every Sunday morning might be;) 😃
I wonder . . . would it be a sin to hire someone else to cut the grass on Sunday? 😃
Oh, good grief!! What some people worry about is amazing!!

Is it a sin for my kids to do their homework on Sundays??
Wash dishes??
Do laundry??
Clean the house??
Cook dinner??

These are all things that happen at our house because they NEED to get done. These are all things that none of us enjoy doing. These are all things that I don’t worry about!!
It is a sin to mow the lawn on any day! Lawnmowers are tools of the devil. Sweat and efforts should be directed to more productive activities. If you really feel grass need to be short, buy a couple of sheep. They are natural lawnmowers, naturally fertilize the grass, provide wool for warm clothing, and, when older, are a valuable food resource. :rolleyes:
Oh, good grief!! What some people worry about is amazing!!..These are all things that I don’t worry about!!
I agree. With all the more serious things to worry about, grass cutting on Sunday should not be among them. Funny aside though, my BF is Seventh Day Adventist…he doesn’t work Saturdays…I am Catholic and sometimes don’t work Sundays…It’s a rare time we get ANYTHING done ! ( Just kidding! )
~ Kathy ~
Dave, if it is a sin for you to cut your grass tomorrow morning, then I’m gonna be so served, because I have killer amounts of homework to do tomorrow 😛

cut the grass -push mowers don’t bother anybody but the one pushing it, just make sure you get to MASS !!
I’m sorry everyone thought this was a joke, It is not, I thought one of the commandments was to keep HOLY the Sabbath, which is SUNDAY, I also was under the assumption doing unecessary work on Sunday was a mortal sin, it usually takes two hours for me to do this yard work, I’m sorry everyone thinks this is a joke, I asked because I don’t want to go to Hell, I’m trying to follow God’s commandments.
My mom always to refrain from UNNECESSARY work on sundays. I’ve always tried to abide by that, but sometimes the weather and working two jobs prevent working any other day.
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