Hi dizzy_dave,
Not everyone thinks it’s a joke…I certainly don’t.
When you do your best to live a holy life, you are sort of an anachronism, particularly to those who have accepted much greater sin as the norm, such as adultery, fornication, ABC, shacking-up, divorce, remarriage and so on. Those who have become ‘de-sensitized’ and accepting of those behaviors will joke about your ‘picky’ little infractions, because to them, you’re just being scrupulous, or they are at least, a little guilty about their own behavior, and want others to sink to their level. It’s a ‘safety in numbers’ thing, if everybody’s doing it, it must be OK. Just consider the source.
Just know you’re right, dizzy_dave. There has been no change. If cutting the grass is ‘unnecessary work’, then don’t do it. If you do it anyway, knowing and believing what you do, then celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. That’s what it’s there for. If you’re like me (a sinner), you need regular confession, anyway. Don’t worry, there’s never a line. It’s like you’re the only sinner in town.