Is it a sin to go against the ten commandments?

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What do you think?I am especially interested to hear non-catholics answer this.I say yes.God Bless
PS After some responses I will reveal the point of the question;)
“IS it a sin to go against The Ten Commandments”?

This looks like trick question. But is short and straightforward.
  1. The phrase “to go against” - what does that mean? You could have said,“to go with”, but you didn’t.
  2. Ten Commandments, no problem here.
I will assume you mean to disobey the Ten Commandments.

If you mean is it acceptable to disobey the Ten Commandments, then I will say “No” you should not disobey the Ten Commandments.

BUT HEY, you asked if it was a SIN to disobey the Ten Commandments. If it is a sin for one of them it is a sin for all of them.

What’s the first one? Put no other Gods before me. So if you did put something else before God it would be a sin.

The question has been answered.
The ten commands are summarized as two commands:

(1) Love God
(2) Love your neighbour

If you do anything that will hurt your neighbour then you also hurt God.

Exporter said:
“IS it a sin to go against The Ten Commandments”?

This looks like trick question. But is short and straightforward.
  1. The phrase “to go against” - what does that mean? You could have said,“to go with”, but you didn’t.
  2. Ten Commandments, no problem here.
I will assume you mean to disobey the Ten Commandments.

If you mean is it acceptable to disobey the Ten Commandments, then I will say “No” you should not disobey the Ten Commandments.

BUT HEY, you asked if it was a SIN to disobey the Ten Commandments. If it is a sin for one of them it is a sin for all of them.

What’s the first one? Put no other Gods before me. So if you did put something else before God it would be a sin.

The question has been answered.

Hello Exporter,there is a method to my questioning;) I will PM you:D God Bless
What do you think?I am especially interested to hear non-catholics answer this.I say yes.God Bless
PS After some responses I will reveal the point of the question;)
Hi Lisa, The Ten commandments are the standard by which God will judge all. Many people believe they are getting into heaven because they are good when the truth of the matter is they have broken just about every commandment there is.Not one will get in who has broken one of them. Praise be to God there is one that came to pay the debt for our sins. Its only through repentance and recieving Jesus as Lord can one enter in.Catholic or non catholic we all break the commandments of God. How many christians for example out there are working on Sundays or doing unnecessary work on Sundays. Arent we breaking Gods commandments knowing that it is sin? Yet we continue.We are all guilty of breaking Gods Law. 😦 God Bless
Hi Lisa, The Ten commandments are the standard by which God will judge all. Many people believe they are getting into heaven because they are good when the truth of the matter is they have broken just about every commandment there is.Not one will get in who has broken one of them. Praise be to God there is one that came to pay the debt for our sins. Its only through repentance and recieving Jesus as Lord can one enter in.Catholic or non catholic we all break the commandments of God. How many christians for example out there are working on Sundays or doing unnecessary work on Sundays. Arent we breaking Gods commandments knowing that it is sin? Yet we continue.We are all guilty of breaking Gods Law. 😦 God Bless
what about buying a cup of coffee on Sunday whilst with friends? Is that also a sin?

Personally, I do not do paid work on a Sunday, but I do shop sometimes.

It depends.

Even the Bible does not interpret the Ten Commandments simplistically…

**13 **“You shall not kill.” Exodus 20:13.

**1 ****There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens… ****3 ****A time to kill,… Ecclesiastes 3:1-3. **
My 2cents:

In terms of definition: Yes. (sin := acting against God’s will; 10cc == God’s will)

In terms of philosophy: No. (There is no God, hence sin is a meaningless term.)

In terms of politics: Depends. Except the first 3 to 4 (depends on the counting), they are pretty much ok (and pretty much common sense btw). Everybody should have as many gods as he wants (0 in my case); and everybody should be allowed to worship those gods in any way they like; and everybody should be allowed to work whenever it pleases him.
what about buying a cup of coffee on Sunday whilst with friends? Is that also a sin?

Personally, I do not do paid work on a Sunday, but I do shop sometimes.

Buying food is not a sin, since it is necessary to eat. Someone has to do the work of preparing the food (be it you or someone else), so the work is necessary. Some may say that you could make the food on Saturday and put it in the fridge, but this above and beyond natural means, so it is not considered a sin to not do this (of course, they couldn’t just put Sunday’s meals in the fridge on Saturday when the Commandments were given by God). As far as shopping on Sunday, that IS unnecessary work both on your part and on the part of the store. Those working in the store are doing unnecessary work (as it is not necessary to sell on Sunday–and the Church especially forbids doing business on Sunday, even if it is not servile work). You are not only supporting them in committing the mortal sin of unnecessary work on Sunday by shopping, but you also commit the sin of unnecessary work by performing the act of shopping. Mostly everything that people do nowadays on Sunday is unnecessary work. Take, for example, how people do not even think in turning on the TV on Sunday. But in order for the TV to operate, it is necessary for people to be working. For example, football–the broadcasters are on there, doing their job, which is completely unnecessary. Many Catholics turn on the TV and watch nonetheless. And just about any programming does likewise. Even cartoons have to have someone at the TV station monitoring all of the programs to make sure they run properly. How lukewarm Catholics are today and brush this off as if it does not concern them!

To answer a certain objection that often comes up (but is very illogical), people will say: well, Priests work on Sunday! It must be OK. That is ridiculous. Mass on Sunday is a necessary work. And also doing the corporal works of mercy, these are necessary works. They can be done on Sunday. It is lawful to help the elderly in their homes, of course. Otherwise, they would not be able to function. One must use common sense in this matter. What is unnecessary always, however, is someone who is working in order to help someone else simply do recreation (e.g. broadcasters, video rental stores, any retail store, etc.).

God bless
Buying food is not a sin, since it is necessary to eat. Someone has to do the work of preparing the food (be it you or someone else), so the work is necessary. Some may say that you could make the food on Saturday and put it in the fridge, but this above and beyond natural means, so it is not considered a sin to not do this (of course, they couldn’t just put Sunday’s meals in the fridge on Saturday when the Commandments were given by God). As far as shopping on Sunday, that IS unnecessary work both on your part and on the part of the store. Those working in the store are doing unnecessary work (as it is not necessary to sell on Sunday–and the Church especially forbids doing business on Sunday, even if it is not servile work). You are not only supporting them in committing the mortal sin of unnecessary work on Sunday by shopping, but you also commit the sin of unnecessary work by performing the act of shopping. Mostly everything that people do nowadays on Sunday is unnecessary work. Take, for example, how people do not even think in turning on the TV on Sunday. But in order for the TV to operate, it is necessary for people to be working. For example, football–the broadcasters are on there, doing their job, which is completely unnecessary. Many Catholics turn on the TV and watch nonetheless. And just about any programming does likewise. Even cartoons have to have someone at the TV station monitoring all of the programs to make sure they run properly. How lukewarm Catholics are today and brush this off as if it does not concern them!

To answer a certain objection that often comes up (but is very illogical), people will say: well, Priests work on Sunday! It must be OK. That is ridiculous. Mass on Sunday is a necessary work. And also doing the corporal works of mercy, these are necessary works. They can be done on Sunday. It is lawful to help the elderly in their homes, of course. Otherwise, they would not be able to function. One must use common sense in this matter. What is unnecessary always, however, is someone who is working in order to help someone else simply do recreation (e.g. broadcasters, video rental stores, any retail store, etc.).

God bless
HI EENS I,m in agreement with your comments.Years ago the states had blue laws,which prohibited anyone from doing business on Sundays. This was a great law because we were able to obey the holy day. It was time spent with familys and worshipping God.Today many of us have made money our god and have forgotten about obeying God. Jesus did not come to change the law but to fulfill it.Jesus said if you love me you will obey me and that includes the 10 commandments I,m sure you wont see many replys to this question because many of us are guilty of breaking the laws of God. 😦 .God Bless
Is it a sin to go against the Ten Commandments?

“A sin” is singular - it means ONE (1).

TEN commandments is 10 (ten) NOT singular!!!

So is it “a sin” to go against “TEN” commamdments?

This question cannot be answered. It’s like you say are you commiting “A CRIME” if you kill some one, steal a car, do arson and marry 5 women all in the same week.

The questions needs fixingg in order to get an answer.:crying:
So we all agree that to break on of the commandments would be a sin:) Okay,then according to some here Jesus committed a sin:eek: I don’t believe it! Can anyone guess which commandment they are accusing him of breaking?
Jesus was often accused of breaking the Sabbath observance, for example by healing on the Sabbath. That was, of course, not the fault of the 10 Commandments, but of an overly literal interpretation of them.
Is it a sin to go against the Ten Commandments?

“A sin” is singular - it means ONE (1).

TEN commandments is 10 (ten) NOT singular!!!

So is it “a sin” to go against “TEN” commamdments?

This question cannot be answered. It’s like you say are you commiting “A CRIME” if you kill some one, steal a car, do arson and marry 5 women all in the same week.

The questions needs fixingg in order to get an answer.:crying:
Hi Exporter, If you break one,in Gods eyes you are guilty of breaking them all. :eek: God Bless
We are going to dive into the “go against” phrase as has been suggested. Indeed, we can say that to go against doesn’t necessarily mean to violate the letter of them.

Next, if you don’t willingly and consciously violate a commandment but still perform an act which is not consistent with the order of a commandment, is it really going against the commandments? Is it actually inconsistent with them?

The commandments have an appearance of a law. That’s why there are no phrases like “thou shalt not willingly and wittingly commit…”, or “or whichsoever act that may lead to this result”.

It can safely be understood that someone who kills an assailant in defence of his life or virtue or whatever high-ranking right, doesn’t really kill, as it is suggested that someone who steals a loaf of bread to feed his hungry children doesn’t really steal.

A reasonable civil judge will take into consideration all the circumstances of an action, all mitigating circumstances, everything what the defence says. Is God not a reasonable judge? He’s more than that; He’s a judge which needs no defence lawyers, no prosecution. In fact, He needs no scrutiny and no testimony whatsoever, nor does He actually need a law to know justice because He actually is justice. Why would He then add a ton of general clauses to His commandments? For the sake of man, obviously, as the commandments and all God’s laws revealed to man are for the sake of man, not God. But circumstance breeds circumstance and clause breeds clause. They multiply infinitely, whereas God’s justice is pretty much absolute.

This way, if someone attacks you and you have to inflict suffering to him, you are not going against the fifth. If someone uses force and you can’t resist, you are not going against the sixth. If you lie to mislead thugs chasing an innocent fugitive, you are not bearing false witness against your fellow man and are not going against the eighth. If you lie in bed sick on Sunday, you are not going against the third. If you tell your father he shouldn’t get a date with the neighbour’s wife, you aren’t going against the fourth. If you reclaim by force what was stolen from you, you aren’t going against the sixth. If you like a necklace so much that you won’t to buy it to your wife so soon as you get enough money, you aren’t going against the tenth. If you can’t assess the danger and call God for help and then it shows there was no danger, you aren’t going against the second.

It’s not against the commandment, as it in no way challenges the commandment itself. In this sense, it may be consistent with the commandment. Also, in this sense, those who are forgetful, don’t so much go against a commandment as they fail to meet its requirement - they aren’t challenging it.

But if you freely, willingly and consciously choose to do wrong rather than good, then you sin. Even if it doesn’t immediately appear to be inconsistent with a commandment - after all, all sins are against a commandment and therefore the ten commandments, they only differ in degree of removedness from the literal rule of the commandments.

Even in the secular laws - take a charter of human rights, be it an international convention or a constitution chapter - and then a country’s criminal laws. Whatever is forbidden there will in some way be an infringement of one of those very basic rights of your fellow man or all of them, except ceremonial rules which Jesus doesn’t tie with the commandments and Paul tells us not to overrate. Even unjust regulations are some twisted understanding of the basic rules - for example, if it’s forbidden for a Catholic priest to say the rosary in front of an abortion clinic, it is believed by the court to be protecting the basic rights of someone else. Even those oppressive unjust communist public safety rules are believed to be for the sake of the country as a community and a universum of individuals with rights. It’s just a twisted understanding. God’s understanding can’t be twisted. If at all, the commandments may be a humanly limited rendition of God’s justice which is too perfect to be contained in the words of the languages of mortals.

Uff… sorry for the rant, or rather the length of it.
It depends.

Even the Bible does not interpret the Ten Commandments simplistically…

**13 **“You shall not kill.” Exodus 20:13.

**1 ****There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens… ****3 ****A time to kill,… Ecclesiastes 3:1-3. **
In Exodus 20:13 the Hebrew for this verb is actually **murder. **It refers to a premeditated and deliberate act of taking innocent life.
The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath! The Jewish leaders made the Sabbath to be the worst day of the week because of their rules.
Why did I pose this question?Well this is why, we have had alot of derogatory things said recently about our Lady.Things like she meant no more to Jesus than anyone else.Okay, Jesus is without sin, for Him not to Honor her and to use her like a throw away is a man made fallacy that accuses our Lord of sin.Jesus is perfect,he would have been the perftect son as well,he certainly would not have treated Mary in a lukewarm or even disrespectful manner.I posed the question to point out a common sense fact.God Bless
Why did I pose this question?Well this is why, we have had alot of derogatory things said recently about our Lady.Things like she meant no more to Jesus than anyone else.Okay, Jesus is without sin, for Him not to Honor her and to use her like a throw away is a man made fallacy that accuses our Lord of sin.Jesus is perfect,he would have been the perftect son as well,he certainly would not have treated Mary in a lukewarm or even disrespectful manner.I posed the question to point out a common sense fact.God Bless
Why is it that in the Gospels Jesus never calls Mary mother?
Is it a sin to go against the Ten Commandments?

Yes, that is what sin is.
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