From your description of call and response through free will above, and from the things I and others have been posting, my opinion in regard to your question:All of this is a bit beside the point though, which is whether or not the position I’ve staked out is orthodox. I’m not saying it is the only orthodox position or that all Catholics must hold it (those are different arguments). The question here is a different one altogether.
Think of limbo. If I asked whether it is permissible for Catholics to believe unbaptized babies don’t go to heaven an answer wouldn’t be to dispute whether or not limbo is the actual fate of unbaptized babies. You’re not grappling with my actual question.
The closest you get is in pointing out that God wills all to be saved. However, it doesn’t follow that all are actually saved. God also wills that we decide whether or not we are saved. Thus it is our will, not His, that ultimately decides our fate. Its like a marriage. Both parties have to be willing to get married for a marriage to take place. There has to be 2 yeses. God answers “yes” to everyone. But it doesn’t then follow that everyone answers “yes” to God. With only one “yes” (God’s) a person can’t be saved.
it seems no, that is not compatible with Catholic teaching, which is based on the Gospel.… whether it is permissible to believe that only Catholics are in fact saved.