Is it appropriate to wear a very large 5-6 inches crucifix?

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I knew someone once who used to carry a full-size cross all around the country. It had a little wheel at the bottom. He has wheeled it upstairs now, so I can’t ask him if he began with something a little smaller.
I remember a college student wearing a very large crucifix similar to what some religious orders wear. She would wear it all around. I thought it was quite inspiring. Definitely unusual. I think it is a wonderful witness in today’s secular world. At some point she stopped wearing it, but she is now a FOCUS missionary.
If the person is truly wearing it to witness their faith or because they feel it keeps them from sin, then it’s perfectly fine. I wouldn’t be in favor of someone wearing the crucifix as simply a fashion accessory (I’m reminded of Madonna back in the days when she was always wearing a crucifix as part of her stage wear) or to behave in a morally questionable way (dance suggestively, do gang activities, etc.)

If your boyfriend is wearing his crucifix sincerely, then you really need to ask yourself why this is embarrassing you. You shouldn’t be embarrassed by public witness to Our Lord. It’s also not your own fashion choice to make as you’re not the one wearing it.
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Just keep in mind that if you wear a very visible sign of the faith like that that all of your actions will be seen as a reflection on it…so act appropriately 🙂
I wear a small crucifix under my shirt. I know its there. God knows its there.

Matthew 6:5-6

5 “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward. 6 But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
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I had a friend whose husband wore a giant Cross like that for a while. I am personally not fond of that look either, too monastic, or showy, or holier-than-thou.
He wore it for a while, and I have not seen it lately.
I really think it’s fine if you’re comfortable with wearing it.

Uness your a priest or a Religious wearing the “Habit.”

This seems TO ME to have an unwarranted level of SELF-pride attached to this practice.

May God guide Our Paths
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