Is it best to attend dioscean sspx icksp or fssp?

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Like I said in my post, my experience was not some isolated incident among a small group of people in one parish. Over a period of ten years, I met dozens of individuals who represented dozens of parishes both in the States and abroad. They all shared the same characteristics.
I guess they would never take a COVID vaccine whenever it becomes available.
Not necessarily. The Angelus February 2006 issue had some very scholarly articles on “The Vaccination Question” (title on the front cover of that issue).

Disclaimer: This is my own experience. None of this information is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Vaccination per se is good; however, the vaccines today have a lot of adjuvants & additives that are NOT good. The MMR vaccine has a strain that was originally made from the tissue of an aborted baby (IIRC it’s RA-73). OTHER vaccines are also made from fetal cell lines, i.e. from aborted babies.

Even if there’s no physical cells left from the aborted baby it will still have an effect on the body. As Archbishop Lefebvre once said if you have a good soup and put in a drop of gasoline, it ceases to be a good soup. Why? Because you’ll die if you ingest gasoline. It doesn’t matter if the rest of the soup is good; the fact that it now has gasoline in it changes it from being something good to something hazardous to your health.

The same principle applies to vaccines. If they’re made ethically and have no common allergens in them (e.g. eggs), then most people wouldn’t have a problem. Call me a skeptic, but I highly doubt BG or anyone in Big Pharma is going to ethically make a vaccine (notwithstanding the fact that they should do it that way).

I know one lady whose daughter got 8 (!) vaccines the day she was born. When I was a baby, we didn’t get them until at least 6 months old. A baby’s immune system can’t handle all those toxins! Try reading the inserts of vaccines or the Physician’s Desk Reference [PDR]. You wouldn’t believe the stuff they put in them! 😱
The original post was not about “What clergy do you like better?” but about TLM Masses . Are the Masses different? Which parts?
Very superficial thing, but the ICKSP masses stand because the altar servers wear a blue vestment under their surplices. It what is called the “blue of the ICKSP” by some. People are entitled to their opinion
Anicette gets credit for addressing the topic of the thread. Thread has since drifted.
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I was wondering if it is good to attend dioscean?
As opposed to what? If you have no FSSP or ICKSP in your area, your choice is down to diocesan or SSPX. I would choose diocesan hands down in this case simply because it’s an approved Mass. I even had a priest tell me that when OF is available, we should choose that over SSPX, again because of SSPX’s irregular status.

Lately with the possibility of Masses being closed down at any time at the whim of our California governor, I decided that if that happens, I will look into SSPX. But otherwise, I would steer clear of them, especially if diocesan TLM is available.
I think I made a very fair characterization of the SSPX. If anything, it was too fair.
I’m sure your think you made a fair assessment of your SSPX parish, but anti-feminism and anti semitism are not part of the SSPX. I’ve also only met very few anti-vaxers at SSPX in Europe. So it’s not to diminish your experience that I say you are generalising a lot about a lot of people and priests you don’t know. 🙏
I’m not an SSPX fan, but judging 600+ priests and the thousands of people around the world who attend SSPX masses based on a few dozen people is hardly charitable. Esp when those few dozen were most likely the vocal minority.

What you are saying would be akin to someone saying that everyone who attends a Jesuit lead parish are heretical Catholics based on a few dozen heretical Catholics they met at a handful of Jesuit ran parishes around the world.
And sometimes (as in our diocese) the willingness of a priest to say the TLM has resulted in subtle acts of retaliation by the diocese (extra duties, no holidays etc)
Yes, that’s my experience too.

For example our SSPX priest is constantly fighting tendencies in his flock towards sedevacantism, as well as a fascination with doubtful apparitions of the Virgin.
However, one can attend an SSPX parish, provided that the person’s reasons for attending are not done out of spite and contempt for the Papacy.
In my opinion, attending SSPX who are not in full communion with Rome because of disobedience to the Pope by definition shows contempt for the Pope.
attending SSPX who are not in full communion with Rome because of disobedience to the Pope by definition shows contempt for the Pope
Interesting opinion about what it means to go to the SSPX vs the relationship with the pope. It’s just interesting how the Vatican says differently than you. How do you square that with YOUR obedience to the pope? 🤔
SSPX who are not in full communion with Rome because of disobedience to the Pope
The term “full communion” was invented after the second Vatican Council. I understand people who say “Archbishop Lefebvre shouldn’t have consecrated those bishops without papal mandate”, but you just have to look at it as a historical fact that it did happen, then look at the fruits of what happened since - and then, IMPORTANTLY make a judgment based on today, are they a good or a bad fruit of the Church?
Because today I fail to see how giving the SSPX canonical status would in any way weaken the Church.
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Interesting opinion about what it means to go to the SSPX vs the relationship with the pope. It’s just interesting how the Vatican says differently than you. How do you square that with YOUR obedience to the pope? 🤔
It’s very simple. The Pope wants SSPX to repent and come back into full communion with the Church.
SSPX have declined. That is blatant disobedience. No rocket science required here.
It’s very simple.
I think the fact that we disagree diametrically on this question tells me it isn’t at all simple.
The Pope wants SSPX to repent and come back into full communion with the Church.
But what does this mean? No one today is excommunicated or suspended for holding the opinions the SSPX have held since the very beginning. It’s not wrong and not an offense towards the pope or canon law.
SSPX have declined. That is blatant disobedience.
I think arguably the only “act of disobedience” they continually commit is that they continue to operate in local dioceses without the support of the local bishop… There is just one problem: they are continually told by bishops the world over, that they are schismatics or that they are not in full communion with Rome… But why is that? Because no bishop has awarded them regular status withing their diocese.
It’s a problem of a snake continually being told “you’re eating your own tail”, but not being offered anything else to eat.
It’s very simple.
I think the fact that we disagree diametrically on this question tells me it isn’t at all simple.
The Pope wants SSPX to repent and come back into full communion with the Church.
But what does this mean? No one today is excommunicated or suspended for holding the opinions the SSPX have held since the very beginning. It’s not wrong and not an offense towards the pope or canon law.
SSPX have declined. That is blatant disobedience.
I think arguably the only “act of disobedience” they continually commit is that they continue to operate in local dioceses without the support of the local bishop… There is just one problem: they are continually told by bishops the world over, that they are schismatics or that they are not in full communion with Rome… But why is that? Because no bishop has awarded them regular status withing their diocese.
It’s a problem of a snake continually being told “you’re eating your own tail”, but not being offered anything else to eat.
It all boils down to DISOBEDIENCE, a sign of pride. Look what happened with Adam and Eve!
It all boils down to DISOBEDIENCE, a sign of pride. Look what happened with Adam and Eve!
You said that already. But what is required for them to be obedient? What grand gesture are they supposed to perform in order to come back into “full communion”?
You said that already. But what is required for them to be obedient? What grand gesture are they supposed to perform in order to come back into “full communion”?
I am unashamedly copying and pasting what the Pope expects SSPX to do to come back into full communion with the Church.

" the Holy See has declared in a letter to the society dated 26 June 2017 and approved by Pope Francis on 20 May 2017 that full re-establishment of communion is conditional on its members making the 1998 profession of faith accepting explicitly, with the degree of adhesion due to them, the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and subsequent church teachings, and recognising not only the validity but also the legitimacy of the rite of Mass and the other sacraments celebrated according to the liturgical books promulgated after that council."
Yeah, that’s such a weird piece of paper to sign, though. Plenty of priests in traditional societies hold the same opinions as the SSPX, but they’re not asked because they’re implicitly in approval of the 1998 profession of faith.
Anyway, let’s go back to what Archbishop Lefebvre said about the Novus Ordo:
Make every effort to have the Mass of St. Pius V, but if it is impossible to find one within forty kilometers and if there is a pious priest who says the New Mass in as traditional a way as possible, it is good for you to assist at it to fulfill your Sunday obligation.
Should all the world’s churches be emptied? I do not feel brave enough to say such a thing. I don’t want to encourage atheism.
On the Second Vatican Council he said:
Why were you against [the decrees on religious freedom and the Church in the modern world]?

Because these two resolutions are inspired by liberal ideology which former popes described to us-that is to say, a religious license as understood and promoted by the Freemasons, the humanists, the modernists and the liberals.

Why do you object to them?

This ideology says that all the cultures are equal; all the religions are equal, that there is not a one and only true faith. All this leads to the abuse and perversion of freedom of thought. All these perversions of freedom, which were condemned throughout the centuries by all the popes, have now been accepted by the council of Vatican II.
And on the hierarchy he said:
There is a good that did not use to exist, but that is starting to come. It is a good reaction from valuable laymen, priests, bishops, and cardinals…Yes, it is a minority, and sometimes the reactions are a little timid, or only go halfway. But still, they are real and healthy reactions, that go along the lines of the Faith, of Tradition, of the restoration of the Faith, the defense of the Church and of the priesthood of Our Lord. And at this, which is a sign of Our Lord’s assistance to His Church, we cannot but rejoice; we cannot but encourage it. The Society’s goal is the sanctification not only of its members, but the sanctification of priests in general. And this is an immense field for apostolate. So we have to take advantage – prudently of course, that is obvious – of these apostolic openings. And they should encourage us, too”.
Of these quotes I see only the ones on the documents of Vatican II possibly being at issue. But even so I find myself firmly agreeing with the Archbishop on those topics. Do you think the above quotes sound like a man “not in full communion with Rome”? Because I found all the quotes on different SSPX websites.
Yeah, that’s such a weird piece of paper to sign
You ask for something for the SSPX to do, but when it’s presented to you, tou reject it. If that’s the case with the SSPX, how can they be in full communion already when they can’t obey a simple, but formal order by the Pope?
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When threads drift, as this one is drifting wildly, there are fewer intelligent ideas communicated.

The thread topic is about TLM Masses. One poster noted Masses celebrated by ICKSP include a blue garment worn by servers under their surplice. Are there other differences, that make one better to attend than Masses offered somewhere else?
Anyway, let’s go back to what Archbishop Lefebvre said
I agree, what the late Archbishop said is important. There are other, historical threads on CAF.

This thread is about what choices an individual layperson should make in 2020.
This thread is about what choices an individual layperson should make in 2020.
Most people use only historical facts to support not attending the Mass with the SSPX. I was (even though I admit I got sidetracked) trying to clear up the history, so that people can take a less biased peek at what makes the SSPX different.
I am not sure of myself, but the form of the mass- what is said in the missel, may not currently exactly the same in the FPPX than in other TLM mass. The older versus an more recent version.There was a debate for decades about the sentence about the conversion of Jews around the consecration.

Sorry if I am very confused.

There is also the historical setting. FPPX fraternity has an history of dissent and schism. It is painfull. They are now more rebel to roman authority. FSSP was created to reintegrated some FPPX members in the Church. ICKSP has no direct link with this history. It is more recent and had been created within the Church by traditionalists.
It is not the mass itself, but has its importance. It is prudent to avoid SPPX when possible.

There is also the dimension of community. If someone has the choice (and it is rare) the dynamic of parish matters.
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