. . .

. . .just wondering how long that list of
“legal” nations might actually be - were we to leave the US and Uruguay off of it because as of now, despite efforts, marijuana is not legal in either nation.
Rather fortuitous that a link from the Netherlands was posted since,
the Dutch have not legalized marijuana either.
And in 2014 marijuana began to “move further from legalization” in the Netherlands:
Marijuana In Holland Moves Further From Legalization (May 13, 2014)
Perhaps that might account for what was stated in the linked Netherlands article several posts ago , that
An increase of 45 percent has been recorded for the use of medical marijuana in the Netherlands compared to 2014
. . . Makes sense to me: If legislation begins tightening up , and the only way a person in the Netherlands is allowed to possess marijuana is with a medical prescription - then it’s only logical that those who are
addicted are going to run to whichever doctor will write them a prescription (recalling here that an article quoted earlier in the thread from the Director of the
National Institute on Drug Abuse - research psychiatrist and scientist Nora D. Volkow, M.D ) :
“Thus many of the nearly 7 percent of high-school seniors who say they smoke marijuana on a daily or near-daily basis are already addicted or are well on their way—besides functioning at a sub-optimal level all of the time.”
That other article several posts ago from the Netherlands said that "scientific studies conducted by the BMC have shown cannabis work for . . . " So they conduct their own studies.
They claim “cannabis work for chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, and decreased appetite and weight loss caused through AIDS and cancer” but they don’t talk about the side effects of smoking marijuana. It would’ve been nice to be able to view their ,um, “study” results, to see if they began with the most important question of all : Did the subject use marijuana before the study . . .? . . .otherwise, how might we suppose all these (how many again ?) patients were approached to participate in the , um, “studies?” Seriously :
“Free pot - a place to stay, and all you can eat.C’mon down !” Who’s going to turn something like that down ? Here, people get paid to participate in studies too.
Given that marijuana is not legal in the Netherlands, we have yet to see any statement from the Dutch Academy of Opthamology (or its equivalent) on this matter. Maybe they haven’t published a statement due to
too ?
And on that note, the
Glaucoma Research Foundation has published a
Statement which concurs with all points listed in the one published by the
American Academy of Opthamologists . . . but they don’t have a license to lose . . .How can that be ?
“The take-home message is that although marijuana can lower the eye pressure, recommending this drug in any form for the treatment of glaucoma at the present time does not make sense given its side effects and short duration of action, coupled with a lack of evidence that its use alters the course of glaucoma.”
American Academy of Opthamologists
Say . . .:newidea:. . . You don’t suppose the* Glaucoma Research Foundation* actually* did *the research because they care about those suffering from this debilitating disease and that the
American Academy of Opthamologists share that same concern for their patients ?
It’s kind of disappointing watching some people trying to turn this into a
poll thread. Some rather, um , extravagant accusations are being leveled without a shred of substantiation. I was hoping, seeing how this is CAF, that we might be able to accept the **truth **- particularly when it comes from genuine medical science.
One just has to use their search engine for 10 or 15 minutes to discover a proliferation of lies about marijuana posted all over the internet . I saw one yesterday claiming that “marijuana cures breast cancer.” I think that type of lie is in extremely poor taste. I’ve known some women who had breast cancer and it is a total lack of respect for what they go through to post a pile of BS like that.
Too bad this thread couldn’t have stayed a little more focused on the factual.
It was a great question. @ LaramieHirsch ,