That like minded folks band together in pursuit of changing the moral law is not a community as we commonly know.
This is all about a compulsion and about sin. Why parse into something more complex? That mystification is what keeps the illicit propaganda going.
They have plenty of groups that support so-called sexaholics and many other addictions.
There is no reason to have an outlet for such a behavior.
I reject your premise. The CCC says it is a trial, it does not say it is more of a trial than any other cross. You do a great disservice to the many men and women who suffer from all manner of afflictions. I am sorry, but that attitude is pure “gay” propaganda.
Hi fix!
You seem to have a rather strange standard for the word “community.” I always thought that the word was neutral allowing for one to have both communities of criminals and communities of the virtuous. We could argue over whether the aims of a particular community were reasonable or just, but to try and attach an alien moral standard to the word is petty. Homosexuals clearly form a community. That they advocate in mass for a change in the law affirms this. It is a distinctly different community too.
Homosexuality is treated differently by the psychiatric, psychological, sociological, psychoanalytic and law enforcement communities. The volumes of research on the subject conducted by organizations such as NARTH has no parallel to the small Sexoholics Anonymous groups who deal with compulsive adulterers and fornicators. On the legal front, no one advocates for making a criminal offense of adultery with the sort of inflamed passion that one finds in proponents of laws that criminalize sodomy.
Homosexuality is treated much differently by orthodox, Catholic, sex educators. An educator will draw upon the emotional issues involved in premarital sex in his presentation to a group of teenagers. He will discuss how waiting for marriage eliminates the pressure of performance anxiety. He will refer to the immature physiology of a teenager and argue that their bodies are not ready for sex. For an audience composed of adults he will bring up the emotional security inherent in sexual expression within marriage. For an audience of homosexuals, none of these arguments will do, as there is no licit sexual expression that they can engage in. The educator therefore frames his talk entirely in terms of sexually transmitted diseases.
Homosexuality is treated differently by the Church. You may reject my premise, but the Catechism does not use the word “trial” to refer to any offense against chastity save for homosexuality. I think that is instructive. I think it is also instructive that the Church’s own Courage ministry was formed primarily to assist homosexuals in living a chaste life because it was assumed that there were other avenues of support available to those who suffered from temptations to masturbation, adultery and fornication. If you believe that this is “’gay’ propaganda” and “a great disservice to the many men and women who suffer from all manner of afflictions,” then your problem is with the Magisterium, not me.
I posit that reason for all of this is because it is recognized that the experience homosexuality is different in some basic way. It has special, intrinsic challenges that other inclinations simply do not have. Sexual activity comes with a fairly strong emotional component. Not having sex at all therefore has an emotional impact upon a person. I doubt you would deny this unless you advocated for sexual expression divorced entirely from emotion.
This is not to parrot the gay activist and claim that a life without sex is substandard or that the effect would be psychic trauma. It is simply to acknowledge that the life of a homosexual attempting to live chastely is fraught with complications that will never present themselves for other disorders. He has to, for instance, second guess every friendship he engages in, withdraw from any intimacy with a member of his own gender and, if pursuing conversion therapy, he may even be asked to change the type of music he listens to and the ways in which he spends his recreation time.
Homosexuality is different and I see no way around this simple premise without developing blind spots and rewriting the English language. How many times has it been pointed out in these forums that there are no adulterers’ rights associations or fornicator equality collectives? Doesn’t the mere fact that homosexuals uniquely organize in this fashion suggest that there is something quite different to that disorder? If there is, then the Christian who honestly wishes to bring the homosexual to Christ must acknowledge it before he can evangelize competently.