I think part of what makes waiting difficult is what you have been exposed to during your lifetime.
I completely agree with you.
Sex is, and always has been, a struggle for me. From the time I was exposed to it as a very young child, I have struggled with loving it and trying to stay away from it.
It’s an addiction that comes and goes. At times I’m fine, at times I’m very, very weak.
I always wish I could have been married in the Church, as a virgin, with a virgin husband. What a beautiful gift from God that is. Those who are able to do it are so blessed, and should strive so hard to make their marriages work.
Still, I know that my two children, although both conceived out of wedlock, are also gifts from God, and I am so very thankful that He gave me the opportunity to be a mother. He always makes something good out of every situation, if we allow it.
As one poster mentioned, lots of saints struggled with temptations. Many times, this struggle is actually what made them into saints. Even St. Paul faced temptations. And his advice to the unmarried? Get married if you can’t contain yourself anymore. Wow! That says a lot about the powerful human sex drive.
I pray for myself and everyone who is prone to weakness in this area. Please realize that God loves you, even when you fail. Just try again to regain your chastity, right away. Ask Him for help and just keep going. Don’t condemn yourself or listen to anyone else who condemns you. Just keep going.
Best of luck to those of you who are trying to enter marriage as virgins. Try your best to make it; it will definitely be worth it.