In reviewing what needs to be done in my life in the “respect for my husband post” I realized that one great frustration I have is that I am not contributing to my own material well being by working outside the home (whther for the house or not). I have the ability, I have the training, I have the interest, but for now it is just not possible without going against my priorities.
I know I just have to deal with this and trust that my priorities are in order and that the time will come when it is possible for me But I thought it would be interesting ot bring it up as a topic.
I find that even in the most correct and pro family circles some women still maintain that they have to have their under 6 year old children cared for by someone else so that they can fulfill their desire to work outside the home. Often they say they need the money, but seeing as we have lived well off of under “the low income standard” for so long I don’t buy that idea. We don’t have an unusual amount of debt, we own our own cars, we have been able to travel, our children wear used clothes and but eat good healthy food. I know that it is possible to really need the money and have to resort to daycare, but I have yet to personally hear this argument from someone who trully needs the money.
I know I just have to deal with this and trust that my priorities are in order and that the time will come when it is possible for me But I thought it would be interesting ot bring it up as a topic.
I find that even in the most correct and pro family circles some women still maintain that they have to have their under 6 year old children cared for by someone else so that they can fulfill their desire to work outside the home. Often they say they need the money, but seeing as we have lived well off of under “the low income standard” for so long I don’t buy that idea. We don’t have an unusual amount of debt, we own our own cars, we have been able to travel, our children wear used clothes and but eat good healthy food. I know that it is possible to really need the money and have to resort to daycare, but I have yet to personally hear this argument from someone who trully needs the money.