You wonder if you are a brain in a vat, whether a prank is being played on you, whether your understanding is illusion, and whether the confusion you feel is being done to you.. . . I’ve had this fear that maybe God is just taking me for a ride and I’m just a brain in a vat that he is using for an evil prank. He is making an illusion of reality out to be that the Chrisitian faith is the path to salvation and if I follow his commandments (illusions of a man named Jesus, these message boards, the CCC, etc), I will be saved…but in reality he’s going to send me to hell…just because he wants to troll me and gets a kick out of confusing me.
Your thoughts seem to be carrying you away from, rather than connecting you to what is real.
These thoughts are real only in their capacity to confuse.
They do not point you to the truth.
The truth is that you are sitting here reading this.
Let those other thoughts enter and leave your mind.
Consider discussing this with someone sitting within arm’s range.