Is it okay to see spiritual progress?

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*I hope this is okay! I tried to copy my post from the apologetics area, because I felt it might add to the discussion here. If this is uncool, just let me know. (I’m still relatively new here! * 👍 )

Originally Posted by BlindSheep:
“…but now I begin to wonder if mortal sin includes such things as… Being glad I am no longer tempted to commit a sin I used to be tempted by…”

This touched my heart deeply. May I tell you a personal story?

I had a very abusive earthly father. 😦 By the time I became a believer in the risen Christ, I am ashamed to say it, but I hated him. :mad:

As I grew in the Lord, however, He began to change my heart. After only a short time, I realized it was a sin to hate, and I asked God to change me. First, I had to pray, “Lord, please help me to want to pray for my dad.” Sounds pathetic, huh? That’s where I was, though. 😦 Well, before long, God helped me to be able to begin sincerely praying for my dad. As I continued in prayer, and as I grew in my faith in Jesus, God continued to change my heart-- and I began to see the good in my dad, and even to be thankful for him.

Much later, by the grace of God, I grew to actually love my dad, and to forgive him completely. Mind you, none of this had anything to do with me, but it had everything to do with Jesus! He IS able to transform the hardest heart into a heart aflame with His love! :love:

Now, do you think I could possibly believe it is “sinful” for me to be thankful that God freed me from these sins of unforgiveness and hatred?!? No way! I PRAISE GOD that He delivered me from this bondage, and restored my relationship with my earthly father! Yes, God is AWESOME!!! Only HE could do such a thing!!!

By the way, only a couple weeks before he died, my dad actually apologized to me. Well, because, thanks to JESUS, I had already forgiven him in my heart long ago, I was able to joyfully receive his apology. He died knowing that I loved him and was praying for him-- and I still pray for him! :angel1:

Like my boys sing in Sunday school at their Dad’s church:

God is so good, God is so good, God is so good,
He’s so good to me!
God answers prayer, God answers prayer, God answers prayer,
He’s so good to me!

Give glory to God, and praise His holy name!!! :bowdown2:

Never be ashamed of His deliverance! Tell others what He did for you, and give the glory to HIM!

My conversion story (thus far)-- it’s a doosey:

Discovering the True God

This is from the “How exactly do you let God sanctify you?” thread. It makes a lot of sense to me. But, I’ve been able to see my spiritual progress, especially over the last year or two. Is that bad? If so, how do I correct it? I find it hard to guard against pride - if I’m humble, people tell me, and I become prideful. I would love to be humble and not know it! But anyway, how much progress is it okay to acknowledge?
You are doing very well.

It is not a sin to notice that your working is showing fruit. It would be a shame if you bore all that fruit and did NOT notice.

You don’t know how, exactly, God will heal your lifetime of emotional damage when your false self collapses. However, when it happens, it can be very noticeable and even troubling.

Don’t worry about the pride issue. Once you’ve entered the “dark night” of purgative contemplation everything is pretty much on auto-pilot by the Holy Spirit, against which resistance is possible but not likely to be pleasant. You lips even now certainly have formed seals which have stopped you cold right in the middle of a statement – you are protected against pride by the opposite dynamics of exaltation and humility. If a person sees you are confused it can play as a “bounce” between these extremes as you adjust to some new idea that you are afraid is simply too delicious or even too grandiose to actually hold without feeling guilt.

That’s the real trick … are you ready for a serious shower of blessings so ridiculous that you are too amazed and confused to even speak? That’s another way humility automatically protects us … when things are to awesome, we stand agage (gaping, shortness of breath) as we adjust.

Basically if you’re where you sound like on the spiritual path, then your questions come at exactly the right time, and though I can never know how my writing comes off from your direction, I am comforted to know that even if you read not a word of it, you will have read all of it that you actually NEED to hear for your own salvation and the work you will do as you learn about your new power of mental freedom from anguish, torment, and indecision.

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