Is it permissible to steal for food

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thylton1
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However, the morality of the act is not made relative to what others may or may not think but only to the actor’s state of mind.
You’ve kept pushing this. That somehow the morality of an act is determined by the actor. So I think it’s fine to do something. I don’t care what you think because the morality is not relative to your opinion.
You’ve kept pushing this. That somehow the morality of an act is determined by the actor.
Because you keep misunderstanding Catholic teaching.

The morality of a human act is determined by the object of the act, the actor’s intent and the circumstances. In order to be moral, the act must be good in all three. If an act is evil in its moral object, neither the intent nor circumstances can make such an act moral, e.g., murder, stealing, adultery, etc. regardless of person, place, time or culture (moral relativism). The act is always and everywhere objectively immoral.
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