It is commonly taught that man can only gain knowledge via the senses. Is it possible that this knowledge is infused and only appears to be through the senses?
Concrete and tangible.Do you mean like instincts? Or do you mean more concrete and tangible knowledge?
If you merely want to know whether man can receive infused knowledge, then the answer is yes, although that is not naturally how we acquire knowledge. Ordinarily and naturally we acquire knowledge through the senses. But there is no reason why God cannot, in some exceptional cases, allow you to receive infused knowledge without the aid of any of your senses. However, this would be a supernatural, rather than a natural mode of knowing. For creatures composed of body and soul the natural mode of knowing is through the senses.It is commonly taught that man can only gain knowledge via the senses. Is it possible that this knowledge is infused and only appears to be through the senses?
@romIf your question is whether our knowledge has been infused all along, and that it only appears to us as being acquired through the senses, then the answer is NO.
Those who receive infused knowledge know their knowledge was not acquired. They may not be able to explain how they got their knowledge, but they know they did not spend any effort to acquire it. The reason I know this is because I have listened to some interviews made with musical child prodigies, and they all say that the music just comes to their head. For example, Alma Deutscher, who composed her first piano sonata at age six, and her first opera, “The Sweeper of Dreams,” at age seven, had an interview on the Ellen Show when she was just 8 (She is 15 now.) Here is a 5-min. Youtube video of the interview:So one couldn’t have infused knowledge and believe it was acquired? The infused knowledge would be manifest?
@romThose who receive infused knowledge know their knowledge was not acquired. They may not be able to explain how they got their knowledge, but they know they did not spend any effort to acquire it.
This is a hypothetical question and is not likely to happen. But in answer to your question, I do not know whether you can distinguish right away that a certain infusion of knowledge happened simultaneously with acquired learning. But I’d say that the enlightenment you get from the infusion of knowledge would let you understand more fully whatever knowledge you acquire by instruction from a teacher. Many saints have said that what they learn from the contemplation of God (which happens through infusion of knowledge) is worth more than many years of study of theology.What if the person had their knowledge infused simultaneously during the period they were being taught by someone?
It is a rare gift, but perhaps not as rare as you imagine. I know many saints have been gifted with infused knowledge. Also, God’s generosity is not limited to those who are exceptionally holy. There are many painters, musicians, poets who receive some infused knowledge to a limited degree. So do scientists and mathematicians who discover a brilliant idea or the solution to a problem out of nowhere. Well, it is not really out of nowhere, because all knowledge ultimately comes from God, but proximately they might come from angels or other saints. Perhaps we sometimes receive that gift, too, but we may not realize it unless we are paying attention. Infused knowledge always benefits the recipient, of course, but some infused knowledge may be granted, not exclusively to benefit the recipient, but for the good of the Church or of the world at large. This is why I am not surprised if people who are not very saintly also receive this infusion of knowledge. Take Mozart, for example. He was not perfect, but it is difficult to explain where he got his talent for music without infused knowledge. Yet, I think he received that gift, not for himself alone, but for the world.So that might be what . . . 6 out of very roughly 100 billion people who have ever lived? So the chance of anybody ever getting infused knowledge is what, about 1 out of 17 billion?