So are you saying that Protestants can’t be saved. That’s not what the Catholic church teaches.
That is certainly not what I am saying! I am fully aware and actively teach on Protestant forums the teachings of the Church expressed in Lumen Gentium in regards to our separated brothers…
Let’s look at what I wrote again, more closely:
There is only one truth, and Protestants and Catholics do not teach the same Gospel.
That is indisputable, we don’t teach the same thing.
*Yes, salvation is by grace, but that is not the heart of the Gospel. Paul does not place salvation at the heart of his teaching. That is a Protestant focus, not Paul’s. Paul’s Gospel is first Christological before it is soteriological. *
This is a statement of the myopic Protestant focus, upon “justification by faith”. Soteriology is not the primary focus of any writer of the New Testament. Regardless, though, this is not a statement on who can be saved and who cannot…
*As to everyone calling on the name of the Lord, Jesus also said something about this…
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Mat 7:21-23*
This applies to Catholics who go to Mass every Sunday, as well…
After reading Paul, would you say he thought that Judaizers were saved???
This is the polemics of Paul. Those who preach another Gospel were preaching a false gospel. To Paul, teaching a false gospel meant there were serious issues responsible, issues of schism and dissension. Paul said such things are of the flesh, not of the Lord.
The question then, is whether these Judaizers were what we would call “invincibly ignorant” as most of our separated brothers are… The teacher of a false gospel is in danger of losing their soul, being a wolf among the sheep. John, Peter, Jude and Paul are pretty clear on where the false preacher stands - at least according to their polemic language. They appear to attack those who SHOULD know better but choose to follow another “gospel” for preference of their mosaic law.
I would think most Protestants would be clear of that charge, since very few KNOW Catholicism well enough to make an informed decision… Even those who WERE Catholic hardly knew what Catholicism actually taught (again, my experiences from interacting with many of them.)
Scripture says that anyone who has the Spirit of Christ are Sons of God. The gospel is the same because the gospel is a person - Jesus Christ. Anyone who does God’s will is someone who lives by the Spirit whether they be Catholic or Protestant. But if we live by the flesh we shall die.
Do people teaching a false gospel have the Spirit of Christ within them? One Corinthians would seem to disagree, as that is the point of the first 6 chapters!
The Gospel is not just a person, since that says nothing ABOUT the person.
If I never heard about Jesus, would that be the means of evangelizing?
“The Gospel (good news) is Jesus”…
“And what???”
In addition, the Gospel does not guarantee we will REMAIN in Christ until the end. Sure, we are saved from sin, but the Bible clearly shows men can return to their former ways, making them WORSE then before! Anyone living by the flesh (Paul includes dissenters here) will die to the Lord.
Now, Catholicism has clarified its notion of “Church” at Vatican 2. Our ancient tradition has always stated that even heretics, by valid baptism, continue to be, in some mysterious way, part of the Church, as long as they do not formally revoke their membership. I would venture to say most of our separated brothers are “invincibly ignornant” of their membership in the Catholic Church - they are part of the ONLY Church in some mysterious way by their baptism - and the Spirit works within them (as Lumen Gentium points out). Certainly, they can be saved, even if they never do enter into the visible Catholic Church. However, they can never achieve fullness of the truth until the receive the fullness of the Gospel, since there is only ONE teaching that fully gives the truth of the Son of God, Jesus Christ (as much as God has chosen to reveal). The catechism discusses this in more detail.