Or would you say it is more rational to believe God doesn’t exist based on lack of sufficient evidence? I understand that science can neither prove or disprove the existence of God, given that science uses empirical evidence within the observable universe to reach conclusions. God, being supernatural by nature, could never be proven by empirical means. However, I still believe that one could possibly come to the conclusion that God exists using reason. That being said, I still wonder what is more reasonable: believing that God exists, or not believing. Both take faith. Any (name removed by moderator)ut would be much appreciated.
hehe ok now that I got that out of my system, let me tell you WHY science HAS proven God exist, let me take a deep breath now;
1st lets deal with the does he REALLY exist question. NO manner of
lightning strikes or cosmic souping can create that which is SELF EVIDENT in what YOU SEE everyday. Beings and creatures CREATED from scratch. Biological beings ALL of whom are symbiotic (connected to each other in some way no matter how loosely, systems built upon systems which ENABLES Life to exist.) You know the oxygen the trees give you, and the carbon dioxide you give them back in return. Science is well aware of the existence of a cell… a cell which is given instructions to create a Living breathing
biologic. from toes to hair … precise, no extra parts or junk code. not ONLY does it replicate creating human bones, BUT it must have additional software to produce EVERY hair, tissue, muscle and yes … Brain. at some point in time order MUST exist to pull all of these things together to create a majesty of the human form. But it doesn’t stop there … no the rabbit hole goes MUCH deeper when your hit with the neurosciences … wham … consciousness, ( the physical operated by the nonphysical … that part of you which you CALL you?) AND it’s fine tuned to the world in which you live. Light passes through the most advanced camera the world has ever seen. light sends digital units into the eye down the optic nerve and BAM, livestream, real time, 3D all the time! We have only just begun to understand HOW to produce 3D effects, a thing God GAVE you and all humans at birth … I don’t care who you are once you give real thought to that, AND are being intellectually honesty with yourself …NO WAY that happened by accident. Here’s another thing, Doesn’t the fact that billions of creatures existing in the entirety of the Globe, only YOUR species has the ability of self awareness, conscious thought? Your not able to pick it from birth BUT you DO get to call the shots, from your favorite
ice cream to the people and words your gonna listen too.The Bible IS the word of God … and no doubt he Loves you and sent his Son to DIE for you. He makes His willingness to
save you from yourself and the sins of the world plain in Romans 10. But here’s the thing. He will not deny you your right to choose WHICH God you will serve, The Lord of Lords, and King of Kings … or The Lord of SELF. one leads to Heaven, the other? well lets just say for those who have WILLFULLY pinned there hopes upon there being NOTHING after death? (SIGH), Hell is where they WILL be. I know many humans do not believe in Hell, and that’s truly a pity, cause that’s where their going anyway. You see Hell and Heaven exist, and unfortunately or fortunately depending on which side you standing on … their existence are NOT EFFECTED by what you CHOOSE to believe. I end with this question: Isn’t the threat of Hell, WORTH getting into scripture, talking with God, asking the Savior to SHOW you the truth, the way and the Life? Many are going to Hell now SIMPLY because of blind skepticism, they LISTEN to a dying world. I beseech you … SEEK the answer FOR YOURSELF, after all WHEN you stand before the Lord, as we all will,
you will be standing WITH Christ at you side or ALONE. If WITH Christ you will be embraced by the the Father for a job well done, if ALONE … (Sigh)!