This is one of my favorite arguments for God’s existence.The moral argument (#14):
Real moral obligation is a fact. We are really, truly, objectively obligated to do good and avoid evil.
Either the atheistic view of reality is correct or the “religious” one.
But the atheistic one is incompatible with there being moral obligation.
Therefore the “religious” view of reality is correct.
The problem with this is the assumption that the atheistic view of reality is incompatible with there being moral obligation.
Atheists and others contend that human social behaviors such as moral behaviors are the product of evolution.

Atheists can have personal moral standards–that is, they can be moral–but they cannot have moral obligation. That is, they cannot obligate others to be moral in the same way that they are moral. At least, if they want to be consistent with an atheistic paradigm.
Obligation indicates that there is something we are bound to, beyond our own personal desires.
For example, I can say as a Christian that I am morally obligated to stop someone from beating his child. And so is the atheist who sees someone beating a child.
As an atheist, you can only say, “I would stop someone from beating his child, but you are not obligated to do so.”