The question is one of my being 50 - 100 miles offshore and being offshore all weekend. Of course, if I were retired or indepentantly wealthy I’d be able to avoid this trip encompassing a Sunday. This, also, is not something that is habitual, it’s a few times a year ordeal. … I likened it to a trip (vacation) to some part of the world that did not celebrate Mass. There is no way to get to a service in this situation. So the question comes up, should one never take a vacation somewhere where going to Sunday service is impossible? Are all (if any) of the Catholic contestants in the TV show Survivior in mortal sin? Or any other example you may be able to think about. How about an Atctic adventure, or a trip to some remote country in Africa? Or an attempt to Hikd the Appalacian trail? Are all of these things forbidden?
Having to work offshore dispenses you from the requirement. Also, if you are travelling in places far from a church. The Church is reasonable - if Mass is just not available, you are dispensed from the obligation. Talk to your priest about it - he will give you a dispensation for those times when it is impossible, and that will ease your conscience.
One who has no such passion or who’s every Sunday is pretty much a carbon copy of every other Sunday may not be very understanding of this. I am not suggesting for a moment, that I do not wish to go to Mass. I am saying that I don’t feel the Church commands my selling the boat I spent my life saving for and my life dreaming about, because of the very rare event that I may miss a Sunday service. Esspecially where I’d love to enhance my devotion for the rest of the week because of the missed service.
The Priests I have expressed this concern to overwhelming and without reservation understand and have provided me comfort.
I’m sure they did.
It’s a matter of interpretation of the joint doctrine of 1) missing mass being a sin, and 2) definition of Mortal sin.
There’s no sin at all if it is impossible to get to Mass. What you have said above makes things more clear. When I say that deliberately missing Mass on Sunday is a mortal sin, I am talking about those you refer to below.
Anyway I think this has been beaten to death. Funny how when I was drinking beer all day Sunday and didn’t give a thought to Mass, nobody was telling me I was subjecting myself to Hell. I don’t get that feeling when I speak to clergy, however from time to time I do get it in these forums, saddly.
It’s sad that noone warned you that you were, indeed, on the road to Hell. Even sadder that priests do not tell you that as well. Unfortunately, some of our priests are infected with the “God is Love” virus. Indeed He is, but it is a sin of presumption to do whatever you feel like, sinful or not, and persuade yourself that, since God is Love, He is going to overlook the sin. That just isn’t so.