Is it really that bad to believe that God will always forgive a sin every time

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Ahhh but in Japan most people believe in Karma. So if you rob a guy sleeping the hangover in a train station your Karma will catch up to you either in this on in the reincarnation. Yes some do believe in reincarnation over there,
So they do not believe in hell per se but have some punishment model.
I never argued that we can expect to commit a crime and get off scot free, what i am arguing against is the need for an eternal punishment.
Well perhaps you have not considered all of the conditions that presuppose the necessity of such.
Take the Angels for example, they were created as us immortal, yes our souls are immortal. They were given at the moment of creation a choice and we know that from revelation only since there is no amount of philosophy that can reach this conclusion that 1/3 of the Angels decided against GOD and are destined for hell. They chose to separate themselves from GOD (Heaven) and chose hell.
In Catholicism hell is the total absence of GOD. HE respects your choice and does not force Himself to you as others have already stated. As with the Angels who by their choices became demons.
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We are given such little information on how the angels damned themselves but you cannot really compare it with the damnation’s of humans as they did not suffer living in a corruptible body like us, they were perhaps given a much more clear moment of choice against God than we are, who knows, we have never been told in what manner the angels rebelled.
At some point we must accept that justice will be done, that good and evil will not be allowed to co-exist forever. And according to the Church some people will prefer themselves and their selfish desires to the justice and righteousness that love and God demand. They’ll prefer themselves and being apart From to being with Him IOW. In any case we should be able to rest assured that whatever God does and however He does it, the right thing will be done-and all will be satisfied that such is the case.
And according to the Church some people will prefer themselves and their selfish desires to the justice and righteousness that love and God demand.
Maybe but i dont feel like i will ever be one of those people no matter what sins i may commit.
Well, God judges by the heart according to Scripture, judging us on our love as the Catechism puts it, quoting St John of the Cross. Is He asking too much? Our faith says He’ll equip us as well to succeed, if we want it.
I think that is true which is why i have such great confidence in God(some may call it presumption) because i know in my heart that i dont want to sin forever, so even if i was on my way to Confession after committing a moral sin and was shot dead before getting to Confession i know i would not be destined for Hell because i recognize the futility of sin.
i suppose you could say that there will be a future civilization that works really well because everyone is afraid of Hell but we have never reached that sort of civilization yet.
A person motivated by fear will not get to heaven. Love is the necessary wedding garment.

So it’s not really about being forgiven or not forgiven that decides your eternity, but being conformed to the will of God for God is light, there is no darkness in Him. Darkness would be destroyed by the light.
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