Topical: A report approved by the Trump administration today concedes that global warming is very real.
This is just the kind of report that demonstrates all the issues being discussed. Here is a government report put out that makes the case for man made global warming. The problem is it appears to be more than a little scientifically deficient despite the scientific aura that surrounds it.
This is the Fourth National Climate Assessment Report in a string of reports of dubious quality.
the first Assessment used models that were worse than a table of random numbers when applied to 20th century coterminous U.S. temperatures, and the chief scientist for the report knew it and went ahead anyway!
That the first report was an acknowledged dog doesn’t necessarily mean the fourth one is as well, although that seems quite probable. The report is based on model predictions, but:
The models predict that there should have been a huge “hot spot” over the entire tropics, which is a bit less than 40% of the globe’s surface. Halfway up through the atmosphere (by pressure), or at 500 hPa, the predicted warming is also twice what is being observed, and further up, the prediction is for seven times more warming than is being observed.
Believing that warming is accelerating and that man is responsible simply because a government report makes that claim, despite evidence to the contrary, doesn’t seem…reasonable.