Talk to folks like Judy Curry who got red-pilled after climate gate.
Talk to Bjorn Lomborg, who believes in AGW but thinks it might be better to help the wretchedly poor now get clean drinking water rather than try to avert disasters 50 years from now. Ask him what it was like having to endure the Danish Inquisition.
Talk to researchers whose careers were destroyed for questioning climate change dogma.
Talk to the children of the Oregon state climate officer whose academic careers were destroyed because their father didn’t tow the line.
Talk to Bjorn Lomborg, who believes in AGW but thinks it might be better to help the wretchedly poor now get clean drinking water rather than try to avert disasters 50 years from now. Ask him what it was like having to endure the Danish Inquisition.
Talk to researchers whose careers were destroyed for questioning climate change dogma.
Talk to the children of the Oregon state climate officer whose academic careers were destroyed because their father didn’t tow the line.